Cause & Effect essay

Cause & Effect essay

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Here Comes the Sun by Bill Wurtz

Most of the time, musical comebacks might bring a sense of anticipation, of having to substantiate ourselves for the second phase. The artist Bill Wurtz proves a point of striking the ground running by his song Here Comes the Sun, a single that has a feel of one ordinary deviation more dynamic than his music string, whereas still maintaining his homespun charm. With the new normal, it is difficult not to witness or feel the feelings voiced in Here Comes the Sun as well-timed. The logic is that Wurtz is, at last, standing up to the plate to seal a duty that is faultless for him, that is to be amongst the bedroom musicians filling the position of music.

I will analyze both the song lyrics and the graphics and share my opinions on the whole song. I will start by explaining the song; on listening for the first time, I thought the song was about to be the same type of song as all the others, nonetheless upon listening for the second time, I understood the theory musically behind this one has essentially evolved to some extent. The jumps incorporated by Bill are essentially quite extravagant; the jumps have enlarged in range and are fitting the song fairly well. The list of the three jumps include3:23, 3:43, and 3:59, all of which I discovered to be pleasant. The last jump, 3:59, sounds so exotic because it includes a two-chord jump, something never heard in his music before (King, 2000).

In terms of lyrics, this particular song is a probe inside humans’ emotions utilizing the sun to illustrate or symbolize love, light, and happiness. It does feature lines such as “when darkness covers the Earth, and I know it’s the end for sure, here comes the sun,” this is just to offer a taste of this song’s themes. This kind of content lyrically is by no way unexpected, as several of Wurtz’s different songs inquire inside his innermost psyche. This song brings about the energetic, rhythmic, melodic, optimistic, happy, uplifting, quirky, progressive, warm, and playful (King, 2000). For instance, the first verse of the songs starts by talking of a sad situation that someone might be in “all day and all day and all night, we lay about and wonder what we’re gonna do, we speak to ourselves, havin’ a conversation and wonderin’ who we’re talking to, then sadness takes over, and sadness wonders what we’re gonna do, and sadness comes closer, then sadness comes to sing a song for you.”  

Then the pre-chorus comes in with an uplifting feeling of optimism and glare of hope and a warm feeling of happiness as it talks of how wonderful the world is, and despite the dark cover of the earth, the sun will still emerge and light up the world. That the sun will fade away the dark and along with-it happiness and love will come (Burroway, 2003). The song’s bridge talks about how people should not give up till the day is successful and how people should call up their friends and neighbors to give them hope that a new day has begun. The song’s bridge also talks of how people should fall involved because no one is a stranger, and time waits for nobody (Burroway, 2003). The song’s chorus is what brightens up someone’s emotions, and the whole song talks about how the sun comes and shines on everyone showing some love to them till the day is finished.

Despite the lyrical aspect that captivated people the most and the bill’s upbeat rhythms that people are already used to, nobody, for a fact, was ready for the bill to go in with the 3D graphics. Bill Wurtz said that he had spent most of his time training on how to utilizing 3D software. That’s the reason he was not uploading new content for some time. When a listener first pictures Bill utilizing 3D graphics, one might think that there was no possible way it could be successful. Most people did not expect it though he still managed to do it. Bill did it in I manner that no one thought he could ever do it. In terms of the 3D aspect of the video, Bill starts by being so basic; the bill presents the 3D aspect with a bit of basic cube piling, which may have shocked some people. After that, the imagination begins to be a bit wild, and the thing that splits the onslaught from his regular 2D design is the lighting and shading, the kind of brightens someone’s emotions and brings a feeling of happiness and joy.


Burroway, J. (2003). Imaginative writing.

King, S. (2000). On writing: A memoir of the craft. Simon and Schuster.

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