Computers and Society

Below is the list of ethical scenarios based on near-real-world scenarios that will be used for Assignment#1.This is NOT a group or team
assignment. You will be expected to submit a unique andindividual paper. The paper must also align to course guidance regarding assignment paper format, length essay format. You must also show evidence as to how you leveraged the “Two Step” Processing covered in both the textbook and the course voice-over lecture, specifically: •Step1 -Brainstorming & Definition•Step2: Analysis / Impact Assessment Steps Scenario#1 -Mortgage System MaintenanceBack-Door Scenario: You work for a software company developing a system to process loan applications that would be used by a number of mortgage companies. The systems will contain personal information about loan applicants. You maybe required to domaintenance on the systems after theyare delivered. As a result, you are consideringadding a “back door” or method to easily get into each customer’ssystemafter they are installed and online at various customer facilitiesto perform possible maintenance and perform software upgrades. Note: the ability to gain remote access to running systems at each customer site is not in your company’s specification or requirements since your company has not considered how the system you are developing would be maintained. At this point you have not discussed the “back door” remote access conceptwith your manager or anyone on your team. What would you do? Scenario#2 -Surveillance System Scenario: A factory manager has hired your company to develop and install a surveillance system in afactory.
The system includes cameras small enough not to be noticed. Supervisors and security personnel can view imagesand record audioin realtimeon monitors in a control room. The system will also store video. The factory manager has not disclosed the placement locations for the new system. The factory manager says the purposes are to watch for safety problems and for theft of materials by workers. What issues, specifications, and policies will you discuss with the factory manager or your company?What would you do?
Scenario#3 Extended Stay Scenario: Your company has askedyou to attend an independent review atanother division of your company located on Miami Florida that will take place in four weeks. The purpose of the independent review is to review the software being developed by a team in Miami who is looking for someone with your expertise to evaluate their approach used on a new proposal. The review is on Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday. You agree to support the review and immediately make travel plans to travel down Tuesday morning, flying back Thursday evening. You also book a hotel and rental car for the same time period. After making your reservations you post on social media that you are supporting your company’s new proposal by attending areview in Miami Florida. A friend who lives in the Miami area sees your post and contacts you about hanging out over the weekend. You decide to extend your stay thru the weekend for the purpose of visiting a friend by canceling your Thursday return flightand making a new return flight for Sunday evening. You will stay with your friend over the weekend so you don’t need a hotel. You figure that you will also just work remotely for the
Friday before the weekend, or just tell your manager that you will take a vacation day after returning Thursday evening. What issues should you be concerned about regarding your time and submitting travel reimbursement expenses to your company? What would you do
Scenario#4 Software Re-Use Scenario: You work for a company thatdevelops security products for the automobile and home security

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