Annotated Bibliography Paper

Firstly just choose the research topic and question , i need to send it to my teacher before start
write the assignment, the attachments in document.
Word limit: 2200 (( An annotated bibliography is a list of sources and annotations (summary and
evaluation) on a selected topic arranged in alphabetical order. Each annotation should have
three parts. The first part is the bibliographic information of the source which should strictly follow
APA style. The second part of each annotation includes a concise summary of the content and
methodology of the study (what problem was investigated using which methods and with what
results?). The third part of the annotation should include your reflection (critical evaluation of the
study) and its relevance to the theme of the AB (your chosen topic or area of interest). Roughly,
the summary and the evaluation of each stud should have a 70% to 30% proportion. How to
prepare your AB: 1. Choose your topic or area of interest (see Part II of Paltridge & Phakiti, 2015). Try to make it as specific as possible. 2. Search for the related materials (mostly journal
articles, but conference proceedings and book chapters are acceptable too). The more specific
your topic, the more focused your AB will be. 3. Screen and choose from the most recent and
relevant sources on the topic to be included in the AB [Remember you need to discuss your
reasons (criteria) of inclusion and exclusion of the sources in the introduction of your AB]. 4.
Write annotations for each source (journal article, conference proceedings, or book chapter) you
have selected for inclusion using the following details.

• Each annotation will be about 150-170

• Each annotation must include two parts, a summary of the main question/findings and
methodology of the source, and your critical evaluation of the value and relevance of the source
to your area of interest

• Be careful not to duplicate the “Abstract” of the papers; annotations
(summaries and evaluations) should be written in your own words to avoid the risk of plagiarism.
5. Once you have completed all the annotations, then you need to write an introduction and a
conclusion for your AB.

• The introduction should introduce the area (topic) of your AB, and the
search strategy you used to find and short list the sources as well as the scope of your AB
(discuss the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of the sources).

• The conclusion section of the
AB should synthesise your critical evaluation/reflections of each annotation to provide a coherent
perspective on the topic Department of Linguistics Page 12 of 20 Suggested sources of

In addition to the unit reading sources (required and recommended), you may find
the following Databases useful: Online multi-search option from Library page ERIC LLBA
(Language and Linguistics Behaviour Abstracts) Chapter 2 of the Interactive Text should help
you with your search in the databases. You may also want to check the following page to know
more about Annotated Bibliography and a sample of annotations.

Assignment 1 will be assessed on the basis of the quality (up-to-date and relevance) of sources
selected, quality of the annotations (summary and evaluation), quality of the introduction
(significance of the topic, search procedure, and criteria for inclusion and exclusion of articles)
and conclusion (synthesis of evaluative reflections) of the AB as well as the language and style
as described below. Department of Linguistics Page 13 of 20 Mark Category Low (Fail-Pass) 0-
64% Mid (Credit) 65-74 High (D-HD) 75-100 Resources Appropriate, recent and thematically
related Selected sources are barely related and old Selected sources are mostly related and upto-date All selected sources are related and up-to-date Annotations Concise, informative &
effective summaries and valid assessment & reflections of each source Summaries are
predominantly vague and/or uninformative No or inadequate assessment/reflection or unrelated
Summaries are predominantly informative & effective, and reflections are predominantly
persuasive Summaries are informative, effective & persuasive assessment & reflections all
through the annotations Introduction & Conclusion Well-written introduction & conclusion No or
ineffective introduction of the topic and its significance, no or inadequate explanation of search
strategy, no reference to the structure & scope of the AB The conclusion does not synthesise the
reflections to make general conclusions Introduces the topic and its significance to some extent,
explains the search strategy & the structure & scope of the AB to some extent The conclusion
loosely synthesises the reflections Introduces the topic and its significance effectively, explains
the search strategy & the structure & scope of the AB fully The conclusion synthesises the
reflections effectively and highlights general conclusions Language & Style Accurate and concise language & correct use of APA style Major problems with language and APA style Some
problems with language and APA style No language problems and correct use of APA style


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