Museum Visit Research Paper

The goals of this assignment are as follows:
-To familiarize and research an artist who is new to you or who you know little about.
-To analyze the method, subject, themes and style of the artists work. (see questions below for more on that)
-To research the history and time period of the chosen artist
-To discover your personal “take” or thoughts about the work(s) in question. This should only be one aspect of your paper.
Here are some questions that will get you started. These are NOT questions to be “filled in” and returned to me. These are just some ideas….
What is the subject matter?
What is the art historical context for this work or works of art?
What is the technique or medium?
How would you describe the surface texture of the work?
How is the composition arranged?
What part or aspect of the work captures my attention first?
How dos the artist lead my eye around the work?
How would you describe the surface texture of the painting?
How does the artist use light?
Where is the light source?

How is line used?
Are there horizontal, vertical, diagonal lines?
If applicable, how is the human figure presented?
Are there a lot of details in the work?
What mood or feeling do you get from the work?
Is the work abstract?
Representational or non-representational?
Is it expressive in style?
Preferred language style  Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar constructions)

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