Project Management Essay

Project Management

You are required to answer 2 of the following 4 questions. All questions carry equal marks. Each question has a word count of 1500 words with a 10% leeway. The total page count for this assessment is 9 pages, whichever limit comes first.

For each of the questions, you will need to begin by discussing the theory and providing a critique to its effectiveness. You will need to utilise real-world case examples and theoretical models in your discussion. It is vital that you consult a range of academic resources and identify suitable practical examples in answering your selected question.

  1. An important element of Project Management is focusing on ensuring that there is continued business justification. Discuss what this means and what tools are available to assess this. Why is this important and how does this feed into project success?
  2. Thinking about recognised project methodologies, discuss what it means to be ‘managed by stages’. Expand upon how this is utilised in real world projects and how stages can help deliver success.
  3. One of the key ideologies of project management is to have effective stakeholder management. Discuss the importance of this, why it is a key factor for projects, how it is applied today.
  4. Risks pose a considerable threat to the overall success of project. Discuss what tools exist for the management of risk and how this helps remedy and manage the risk associated with projects.


  • The word count excludes the words used in any tables, charts or diagrams.
  • References must use the Harvard referencing system.
  • Usage of real world examples is vital.
  • You need to ensure that there is appropriate application of theory to real world practice.
  • Minimum font size is 10.5. Standard margins of 1cm on all sides.


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