global change


You’ve learned about a lot of potential approaches to address climate change–diet, population control, geoengineering, renewable energy, nuclear energy, etc.

Flex your creativity and out-of-the-box thinking… what is one potential technology (rarely mentioned) that you think could be developed/deployed to address global change issues?  

Provide a short paragraph and links to support your argument!

global change

 Professor Meerow discussed differences between Sustainability and Resilience. Two such differences were the concepts of “fail-safe” vs. “safe-to-fail” and “maximizing efficiency” vs. “maximizing adaptive capacity”. Can you think of one specific example from your everyday experiences with the design/operation of your city that illustrates these differences?

Provide either documentation of a catastrophic failure or a well-designed adoption which established Sustainability and Resilience.  Provide links if necessary. 

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