Persuasive Speech Rhetorical Logical Fallacy

Persuasive Speech Rhetorical Logical Fallacy

Word count

Script: max 600 words


PA Style

Learning outcomes                      

  1. Evaluate the suitability of rhetorical choices in view of their expected impact
  2. Write and deliver a logically persuasive and engaging oral presentation

You will be randomly assigned one figure of speech and one rhetorical/logical fallacy chosen from the list below. Write a presentation for each of them. Your target readers are undergraduate university students of Media Literacy. Those students want to understand what makes a figure of speech effective and what makes a rhetorical/ logical fallacy deceptive in a given text. Please read with attention the following guidelines:

For the presentation of the figure of speech:

Provide a definition of the figure of speech that you have been assigned, citing the Oxford English Dictionary or another academic source (the definition must be a paraphrase of the direct entry).

Find a specific instance of the use of the figure of speech in a media text.

Drawing on one or two academic references, explain:

  • what makes the figure of speech effective;
  • in which media context this is occurring; and
  • what result/s are likely achieved by its effective use.

For the presentation of the rhetorical/logical fallacy:

Provide a definition of the rhetorical fallacy that you have been assigned, citing one/two academic texts (the definition must be a paraphrase of a direct entry). Find a specific instance of the use of the figure of speech/logical fallacy in a media text.

Drawing on one or two academic references, explain:

  • what makes the rhetorical/logical fallacy deceptive;
  • in which media contexts this is occurring; and
  • what effect/s the use of the fallacy might have.

You will be randomly assigned ONE of the following figures of speech:

  1. Alliteration
  2. Antithesis
  3. Aposiopesis
  4. Apostrophe
  5. Chiasmus
  6. Climax
  7. Conduplicatio
  8. Dubitatio
  9. Ecphonesis
  10. Epistrophe
  11. Euphemism
  12. Hyperbole
  13. Isocolon
  14. Metanoia
  15. Metaphor
  16. Onomatopoeia
  17. Parallelism
  18. Paromologia
  19. Personification
  20. Rhetorical Question
  21. Simile
  22. Synecdoche
  23. Tautology
  24. Topos
  25. Tricolon

You will be randomly assigned ONE of the following rhetorical and logical fallacies:

  1. Ad Hominem
  2. Amphiboly
  3. Appeal to anonymous authority
  4. Appeal to consequences
  5. Appeal to fear
  6. Appeal to flattery
  7. Appeal to novelty
  8. Appeal to pity
  9. Appeal to popularity
  10. Appeal to ridicule
  11. Appeal to spite
  12. Appeal to tradition
  13. Appeal to wishful thinking
  14. Argumentum ad baculum
  15. Argument by anecdote
  16. Design Fallacy
  17. Dogmatism
  18. Equivocation
  19. Hasty generalization
  20. Jumping to conclusions
  21. Slippery slope



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