Diversity and Hiring Policy

Diversity and Hiring Policy

Law Enforcement Agencies must be flexible and able to respond to societal demands. Leaders
for social change advocate for police departments that mirror their constituents in terms of
ethnicity, race, gender, and in other areas. This challenges leaders to develop innovative
methods of recruiting and hiring. The final project will consist of three separate assignments that
focus on identifying the need for a diversity hiring policy within law enforcement agencies. Part
II asks you to develop the recruiting, hiring, and training components of the policy. Law
Enforcement Organizations face an increasing struggle with hiring police officers. Additionally,
there is a need to consider assembling a police force that resembles the communities that are
being served. An increased focus on civil liberties, the rise to prominence of advocacy groups
such as Black Lives Matter and police-involved shootings have all combined to create an
urgency for law enforcement agencies to be responsive to the need for diversity within the force.
For this Final Project: Part 2 – Diversity Hiring Policy Assignment, you will continue your
search of best practices for diversity hiring, conduct at least one interview with a law
enforcement leader, and find at least two peer-reviewed articles that address the need for and
practice of, hiring for diversity. Your interview may be telephonic if that is more convenient and
should include the following questions, at a minimum:
1. Do you have a specific policy for hiring for diversity?
2. Do you feel there is a need for such a policy?
3. Does the policy address recruiting, hiring and training?
4. If #1 is yes, how does your agency assess the policy’s efficacy?
5. If #1 is no, do you have any plans for such a policy?
6. What have been the impacts of your policy?
Beyond the interview, the Final Project: Part 2 – Diversity Hiring Policy Assignment requires
you to develop a recruiting plan that identifies goals for diversity hiring, specific measures for
achieving the goals, and includes the individual elements that make up the hiring process.
Examples of this include psychiatric examination and written testing. Finally, this assignment
asks you to address academy training and any specific components that would address diversity
within the curriculum.
 The Final Project: Part 2 – Diversity Hiring Policy Assignment should be 3 pages,
written in APA format, and include at least two peer-reviewed references and one
interview with a law enforcement leader.
 Acceptable sources for references are peer reviewed journal articles such as those
contained in the Liberty University Library. These articles should be published within the
past five years unless they are classic or seminal works.
 In addition to 3-5 pages of content, make sure to include a title and reference page.

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