Infectious Disease Report

Infectious Disease Report

Infectious Disease Report: after the midterm exam, the course has advanced to the
second set of lectures regarding immunity and infectious diseases. During the four
weeks of learning infectious diseases regarding bacterial, viral and eukaryal
pathogenesis, and the control of infectious diseases, students are expected to relate
the topics learned in this course to select a particular infectious disease for this report.
It is up to you to choose any topic from our lectures or outside our lectures. You have
many choices of the topic for your report. Both your interest and your selection of well
studied topic are very important for a quality report. Students are free to choose any
infectious diseases for their reports. Different students could choose the same topic, and write
their own reports. Students are responsible for topic selection, and prepare their report drafts
early. No pre-check or preview of topics or report drafts will be offered by the instructor. Your
report should be 6-12 pages total (double space), including references and figures. Save
your report as PDF file, and submit your report on Canvas no later than on Monday, Dec 12 by
11:59 PM. Early submission is welcome.
The Five Parts of Report:
(1) Cover Page with the title of the selected disease/course name/student’s name/date
(2) Introduction with general information of the infectious disease (signs/symptoms), the
pathogenic microbe ( type/morphology/structure), the routs of transmission,
geographic distribution, and current status of the disease, etc.
(3) Body with specific description and explanation of pathogenesis regarding the
mechanisms the microbe uses to infect its host and cause the disease state. I
encourage you to use pictures, diagrams, figures or models to demonstrate
important points of the pathogenesis, and explain the mechanisms by your own
(4) Conclusion with a summary of your report, available treatments, and vaccines. It is
interesting to add some personal aspects such as the reason you choose the topic
and how it is beneficial to your personal life through understanding the disease.
(5) References: Our textbook and lecture notes are very good references. To search
additional information, Google / Google Scholar is a good place to look for
background information and cellular / molecular mechanisms regarding the
pathogenesis. Try to use the websites of “.gov” , “.edu”, or “.org”, and avoid to use
“.com”. List your citations and references.

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