Spanish Contemporary Music

Spanish Contemporary Music

Please think carefully about these points before preparing and presenting.

Does the presentation have a coherent main idea or focus? Please know what you are presenting on, and stick to that topic. It is very helpful if you know what you want to accomplish with the presentation: have a goal.

Is there a well thought-out and logical organization to the presentation in general? Unless you are a natural born entertainer—and perhaps even then—it is a very good idea to make an outline to follow during your presentation, so as to avoid rambling.

Is the presentation an explanation? Your job is not to simply look up a lot of boring facts and then read off a superficial laundry list of ideas. Please do not tell us a lot of dates and other difficult-to-digest information, especially if the facts do not help us to understand some important point. Your goal should be to bring the class to a better understanding of some concept/ideas. Know what it is you want us to learn, and help us get there.

Does the student’s treatment of the topic indicate that the student has thought about the topic and attempted to develop it in depth? That is, are all the ideas that are presented explored sufficiently? Please avoid superficiality.

Is the presentation given in a free conversational style, rather than READ VERBATIM? Unless you are a professional speaker, and you bring your own teleprompter, you MAY NOT READ your presentation! (It is very obvious when you are reading!!!) You may use bullet points or index cards, etc, as a prompter, but any report that is simply written and read will receive a very poor grade. It is deathly boring to listen to such a presentation; please do not subject your classmates to one!

Are slides or other visual/tactile aids used? You are supposed to have a PowerPoint presentation included with your presentation!

Does the speaker care about what is being presented? Please try to show an interest, or develop some aspect that IS interesting to you—if YOU are bored, we will DIE of boredom!

Specific guideline for your presentation:

• The presentation must be 4 to 8 slides long (images are up to you). You must include a final slide with the bibliography (max 8 slides).

Only use the articles I’ve send for the presentation

Here are the article links:

– Spanish Music in the Twentieth Century
Author: Mark Larrad

– Contemporary Music in Spain
Arthur Custer: The Musical Quarterly

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