Adolescent Psychology in the Movie

Adolescent Psychology in the Movie

In your paper:
Analyze the movie, TV show, or other content, creating a case study that moves beyond simply summarizing the issues presented by an adolescent character
and instead applies developmental theories to explain psychosocial problems.
Organize your assignment with paragraphs that include a thesis statement and supporting details as well as transitional sentences.
Write a one-paragraph introduction, including:
• The name of the media element, providing a general description of the plot, setting, and basic context of the movie, TV show, or content.
The name of the character.
The developmental/mental health issue.
Provide a brief description of the character, which includes, in 2-4 paragraphs:
Physical development as related to adolescence.
Cognitive development as related to adolescence.
Social and family relationships as related to adolescence.
At least one example of cited evidence from the textbook for each aspect of development discussed.
Identify one potential developmental or mental health issue for the character you selected (1-2 paragraphs).
Apply one social theory to the developmental or mental health issue you identified (1-2 paragraphs).
Apply one developmental theory (as listed in the text) to the developmental or mental health issue you identified (1-2 paragraphs).
Share the findings from one peer-reviewed source related to the developmental or mental health issues you identified (1-2 paragraphs).
Communication: Apply critical thinking and communication skills concerning adolescent psychology in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and
Font: Times New Roman, no larger than 12 point font.
Organization: Your paper should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language.
Grammar: Your paper should be free of grammar and punctuation errors that would distract the reader’s understanding of the content.
Length: 2-3 pages in addition to a reference page.
Resources: Include at least three resources cited in your paper and listed on your reference page.
APA: Follow APA rules for citing sources.

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