NURS-FPX6218 Leading the Future of Healthcare Assessing Community Health Care Needs

NURS-FPX6218 Leading the Future of Healthcare Assessing Community Health Care Needs


The executive leaders at Vila Health have asked you to provide them with your assessment of the health conditions in one of the communities served by the Vila Health system.  Assessment two requires completing the Vila Health Environmental Analysis and Windshield Survey virtual lab/simulation accessible through the course site.  It is here where you will select one of two real communities to complete a community health assessment.  Please review the dates of events in the simulation as some may no longer be relevant.

Assessment two is the first of three assessments which build on each other.  As such, I strongly advise students to submit one assessment at a time.  This enables you to correct issues that may impact assessment three from the feedback provided in assessment two and assessment four from the feedback provided in assessment three.

  • What is a windshield survey? This is a method of gathering information about the status of a community either from a car or by foot.  Conditions and trends in that community which could affect the health of the population are noted and the data provides context for making changes and/or improvements.
  • What is an environmental analysis? This is an examination of the factors that can impact the health of a community.  Examples are air, food, water, shelter.
  • What are social determinants of health? [SDOH] These are included in the environmental analysis.  There are five domains: economic stability, education access & quality,

healthcare access & quality, neighborhood & built environment, and social and community context.  [Resource: HealthyPeople2030].


  1. Review the assessment two “Assessing Community Health Care Needs” rubric criteria.

[I advise printing and keeping the rubric available while you are working on the assessment document.]

  1. Review the assessment two “Community Health Assessment Template” provided in the assessment two instructions.

[This is the required template to use for creating your document.]

            Please Note:  The Appendix Table in the template is provided as a worksheet to make sure you are covering all required information.  It is to be submitted as part of your    

               document, however, the information should be included within the document as the appendix is not part of the grading rubric.

  1. Review the assessment two “Guiding Questions” provided in the assessment two instructions.

[These questions will help you cover all required content for your document and aligns with the assessment two rubric.]

  1. Review resources provided in the course site for assessment two.
  2. Locate specific data points to support your selected community [For example, demographics.]
  3. Locate professional literature, professional textbooks, professional websites to support your evidence and/or data points written by credentialed healthcare professionals.
  4. Research and locate information related to the selected community in addition to the simulation and the Vila Health Environmental Analysis and Windshield Survey resource. This research is a critical part of success on this assessment and provides evidence/data points to support your findings.  [Additional links provided on page 3.]

Please know there have been additions to the communities since the simulation was implemented.  For example, Jordan now has an urgent care clinic.

  1. Online APA Style Guide 

Assessment Requirements [Based the assessment two rubric criteria, specifically the ‘Distinguished’ rating.]

  1. Assess, via windshield survey, the general condition and needs of a community from a public health perspective.”
  2. Provide an overview of the community you have selected as an introduction. Include geographic/footprint of the community, population, and key demographic data.
  3. Keep in mind that you are looking at the community as a whole and connecting conditions and/or trends that could impact the health of the community is important.
  4. Include in this section safety concerns and potential limitations related to conducting a windshield survey in a community.


  1. “Analyze the environmental factors affecting population health in a community.”
  2. The focus of this section is on analyzing only the environment. You want to look at water quality, air quality, chemical safety/hazardous waste, infrastructure issues.  Evaluation of whether there are pollutants in the air, water, soil, food, and materials in homes.  For example, there might be lead contamination.
  3. You want to consider key health issues as well as opportunities and threats. For example, if the community has a large industrial plant which impacts the air, then lung disorders will be important as a key health issue.
  1. “Identify the social determinants of health in a community.”
  2. What are the SDOH for the community you are assessing?  Speak to all five domains in this section of your document.

Domains include economic stability, education access & quality, healthcare access & quality, neighborhood & built environment, and social and community context.

Please review HealthyPeople2030 for detail on what each domain includes.

  1. “Summarize the windshield survey and environmental analysis findings for the [Vila Health] executive leaders.”
  2. This section focuses on the priorities you want to address to the Vila Health executive leaders.  Please consider me the person who will approve and fund your project.
  3. You want to analyze your survey findings and environmental analysis.
  4. What are conclusions you can make and what recommendations would you consider making for the community as a whole with the executives.  Be concise!

Keep in mind you want to focus on healthcare services that are either not available or need updating to better serve the community.  It is important to know what services are currently available in order not to replicate services that may already be available.  This is why it is important to research your community in addition to the completing the simulation.

  1. Write clearly and concisely in a logically coherent and appropriate form and style.”
  2. Document must be in correct APA format using the Community Health Assessment Template for assessment two.
  3. Be as concise as possible using the headings outlined in the template.
  4. Keep in mind that a full page of writing is not a paragraph. A paragraph covers one topic or idea and is generally 3-7 sentences.
  5. I advise refraining from quoting in academic writing assessments.
  6. I advise using Grammarly to assist with writing.
  7. I advise reading your document out loud to get a sense of logical flow of content prior to submitting.
  8. I advise reviewing all rubric criterion prior to submitting assessment to confirm you have met all the requirements.
  9. Please know there is no draft option for this assessment. As such, I am unable to preview your work prior to submission.
  10. Please note any assessment revisions with a resubmission need to be highlighted in


  1. “Support assertions, arguments, propositions, and conclusions with relevant and credible evidence.”
  2. Please remember that a reference list is not a bibliography. A bibliography is a list of resources you have read but not cited.  A reference list is a list of resources you have cited in the document.
  3. Per APA, each entry in the reference list must have a minimum of one associated in-text citation within the document.
  4. Assessment two requires a minimum of 3-5 credible, current, relevant, and associated references and/or data points to support assertions made. An example of a data point would be the readmission rate percentage or demographic data.
  5. Use professional literature, textbooks, and websites that are for professionals in healthcare and written by credentialed healthcare professionals. Do not use blogs, Wikipedia, or Mayo Clinic for example.  If you are unsure, please ask.
  6. Please know I review references for accuracy, credibility, and relevance to the topic you have written about.
  7. Please do not use “HYPERLINKS” in your reference page. They are not part of correct APA format and do not work outside of your point of access.
  8. In academic writing, there are no opinions unless the directions call for this such as a reflection paper. Any assertion made is expected to have current, credible, relevant, and associated evidence and/or datapoints as support.
  9. Please keep in mind the evidence you use that comes from the literature is considered a generalization as it does not reflect what is directly related to the community you are assessing. For example, you have provided demographic data points on the population which you cite from the website.  In addition, you cite a journal article that provides insight to ethnicity in rural Kentucky communities.  This would be an example of data points directly related to the community and an application of a generalization about rural communities.




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