Singlehood and Cohabitation





Singlehood and Cohabitation

Today, singlehood is by choice and getting married or marrying, is no longer a necessity or even to some people, not even desirable. As a result, there are pros and cons of being unmarried which have been well documented in articles and book. One benefit of being single is the ability to achieve greater things. A person can devote more time to work since there are no responsibilities to a spouse or a family. Secondly, a single woman can manage money very well since there is no one to tell her how she should spend her salary. Also, singles have less, but better sex in the bedroom. Statistics shows that they have enough intimate time in the bedroom since their hormones are high in the “courting relationship.” However, being single can be disadvantageous. Singles feel lonely sometimes especially when they seek companionship, but there is no one available to keep them company. Also, singles have unguaranteed sex. For example, spouses can get regular sex since they have steady partnership; however, singles have to work had to get laid (Matlin 280).

Cohabitation refers to people who live together without legally getting married. Cohabiters have advantages such as sharing expenses and enjoying life the way they want. It is also the best alternative to marriage for people who cannot afford marriage expenses. Cohabitation also gives one time to test your partner before marrying. However, Cohabitation has cons such as it is not a permanent relationship. Cohabiters can easily get fed up and separate. In addition, people who are cohabiting do not have good sex for fear that the one partner could be having sex with another person (Orapeleng 33).

Work Cited

Matlin, Margaret. The Psychology of Women. Belmont: Cengage Learning, 2011. Print.

Orapeleng, G M. Sexual Integrity in the 21st Century?: Exploring Chastity. for Individuals and

Guardians. Bloomington: AuthorHouse, 2012. Print.

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