Social network





Social network

The term social networks in the simplest and most basic sense refers to a means of communication where people pass, receive and share information, messages, images and comments. This is to say that a social network is a form of a media, platform and an avenue where people within the human society interact with their friends and family. It is important and imperative to note and record that there is a degree of easiness with which the users of the social network pass and receive information. In most instances, the authors or the subsequent sources from where the information is obtained is acknowledged. In principle, it is critical and key for the users of the social networks to give credit, attention and acknowledgement to the sources of information from which they borrow from. This essay will thus discuss the benefits and reasons as to why the users of the social networks ought to acknowledge their sources of information.

To begin with, it is important for the social network users to give credit to their sources when sharing information with their friends, because it demonstrates that one has read, understood and appreciated the information. If a person reads something from another sources and the latter appreciates the intellectual acumen of the former, then it shows that one has read, understood and appreciated. In this current age and time, there is a lot of information which may easily pass for half-truths and misrepresentation. Thus, if a user acknowledges the sources it shows that one has read and understood that particular information from the available existing pool of information.

Secondly, a user of the social network ought to appreciate his or her source so as to lend the virtual authority on the issue that one is writing on. It goes without saying that the original writer of an article or a journal holds the scholarly and artistic authority over that item. Thus, when the user acknowledges his or her sources it shows that the user would have lent authority to share information on the same. This is to imply that it is moral and rational for a human being to lend anything be it authority from the original owner. Subsequently, this line of thought and argument would also pass as true and valid in the social networks and the general users.

Similarly, it is critical for a user of the social network and media to acknowledge and give credit to their sources since it would strengthen the argument of the person sharing information. It goes without mentioning that in this current age of digital dispensation, there is information influx which ought to be vetted (Bond, 9). Most of the things posted and shared in the social networks easily pass for fluffs and rumors. Therefore, when a user acknowledges his or her source it strengthens the argument presented and put forth by that same user. This would be important so that the recipient would choose for him or herself on whether or not to believe information availed to him or her by his or her friend. The recipient of the information passed to the social network would have the privilege and duty to ascertain whether or not the information passed by the user is credible or not. By giving credit to the source, the user sharing the information puts more weight on his or her argument thus making supporting the kind of information that they share.

In a similar line of thought and argument, by acknowledging sources of their information, the users provide the recipient of the information with background information on the same. Background information is important since it would demonstrate to the recipient on all the facts and figures that may be necessary to confirm the authenticity and validity of information being passed (Newman, 4). For instance whenever there is breaking news or something that catches global attention, the information passed within the social network cycles is huge. In this process, distortions and exaggerations of the information may happen. When the sources is given credit and acknowledged, the recipient would have sufficient background information.

A practical case and example is the Missing Malaysian Airline, which disappeared from the radar. Within minutes the social networks were abuzz with information and conspiracy theories which may have or not been true. Thus, to avoid such flow of information, a social network user would make more credible sense if he or she gave credit and acknowledgement to the source of the information. In principle, a recipient of information on the same case of the ill-fated airplane would be provided with sufficient actual and factual information if the initial source of the information flow is authentic (Yates and Paquette, 9). Relatively, in case of a legal matter such as plagiarism or issue arising from the posted information, then the user would be vindicated if he or she outlined the source of the information.

Summarily, the above essay has articulated in details and principle the reasons as to why the users of social network ought to acknowledge the source of their information. The irreducible minimum is that the source would provide more background information to the recipient, vindicate the person passing the information in any case of a legal battle. Similarly, it smacks of good faith and intent if a user of the social network lends authority from the source by acknowledging them before sharing information with friends.

Work Cited

Bond, M. H. “Introduction.” The cross-cultural challenge to social psychology 11.2 (1988).

Newman, Nic. “The rise of social media and its impact on mainstream journalism.” Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism 8.2 (2009): 1-5.

Yates, Dave, and Scott Paquette. “Emergency knowledge management and social media technologies: A case study of the 2010 Haitian earthquake.” International Journal of Information Management 31.1 (2011): 6-13.

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