Value proposition paper

Value proposition paper

The value proposition for this work is that the ability to achieve a tan through an artificial tanning bed is the worst fashion trend. The key words in this proposition are” fashion trend” and “tanning”. Tanning is browning of skin. Fashion trend refers to a unique way of doing things that is acceptable to majority of a population. It is where many people do the same thing and this makes other people interested in doing it also. Fashion trend deals with beauty and expressing ones personality through outward appearance. The hierarchy of this value proposition argues that fashion contributes to society in every sense. When an individual looks at you, their first impression relies on how you are dresses. It is therefore important to understand the worst fashion trends and avoid them. This gives an individual an advantage over people who ignore fashion and its powerful effects (Jablonski, 2012).

The criteria for evaluating this proposition begin with financial implications. This looks at the cost of maintaining a fashion trend and its lasting impact. The first issue to consider is the cost of tanning. Tanning comes at a cost, whether directly or indirectly. People who opt for indoor tanning incur a cost of $40 per session. Depending on the number of sessions, an individual spends an average of $120 dollars per month. Translating this into annual expenses and deducting tax only goes to show that this exercise is simply out to bring the Government more revenue. Financial implications require that we also look at the potential cost of medical treatment or wrinkle treatment. This usually occurs because of tanning products that tend to have detrimental side effects on users. Despite giving a nice tan, people soon develop medical complications that require more money. Many people lack this information as they chose artificial bed tanning.Cost of buying new clothes that agree with the tan also include financial implications. Fashion trends ought to be affordable and comfortable. This is why artificial bed tanning is the worst fashion trend. An individual should not have to risk bankruptcy or admission to hospital simply because of a mistake in fashion choice.

I support this value proposition especially when considering aesthetics. Many people opt for artificial bed tanning because they want to look more beautiful. Unfortunately, they end up looking fake and artificial instead. Indoor tanning makes people look worse instead of better. This is because they look for outer beauty instead of loving and appreciating their natural selves. Fashion trends advocate for the use of fashion to bring out personality, not create entirely different people.

After getting used to a tan some people want to keep it that way and forget their natural complexion. This makes them go back for artificial bed tanning several times and eventually predisposes them to diseases like skin cancer. This is because the ultraviolet rays used to tan skin weaken the skin pigment and thus people get skin cancer. These ultraviolet rays can also cause melanoma.This is terminal form of skin cancer that has killed over 9,000 people. This only goes to show that artificial bed tanning is the worst fashion trend ever. It is not realistic to risk death simply because indoor tanning is the way to go in fashion. It is far safer to look for other options in fashion like outdoor tanning by the sun. Artificial bed tanning may also cause eye damage and immediate effects like swelling and reddening of skin. It may predispose individuals to premature aging because the skin loses elasticity. It may also lead to suppression of the immune system and the ability of the skinto defend itself against infections (Turkington, 2007).

Fashion literally runs the world. This is especially true among women. They have a constant need to feel beautiful and be part of the latest fashion trends. Men also like to indulge in fashion trends but usually as a luxury that massages the masculine ego. However, artificial bed tanning is a fashion trend that seems to have sunk its roots deep into the culture of Americans. Thousands of Americans walk into salons every day simply to add a little skin color. Many spend money on sessions because they can leave the salon looking exactly as they wish. Despite this crave for a tan; many people end up risking their lives in the name of blending in society. The effect is so tremendous that teenagers and young adults are taking up the trend, unaware of the risks it possesses.

The effects of artificial bed tanning are mind blowing. In the United States alone, an average of I million people tan indoors daily. Out of this population, almost 60% opt for artificial bed tanning (Heckman, 2012). It is clear that such a large population of individuals will set the fashion trend or pave for this artificial bed tanning. On average 28million people tan indoors with 2.5 million being teenagers. It is therefore expected that many people chose this fashion trend on the basis of this figures.Consequently, the effect is that millions of people struggle with skin cancer and other body ailments while others end up dying. On the other hand, men and women get to look good and feel good about themselves and thus creating the image of the fashion trend (Heckman, 2012).

The main cause for this being the worst fashion trend is that it has so many disadvantages compared to advantages. Financial costs, medical conditions and health risks all surpass the desire to look better. Fashion trends are however unconcerned by such implications and continue to thriveand create revenue to the tune of $2.6 billion dollars. The main reason people chose this fashion trend is the innate desire to feel beautiful and accepted. Being part of the fashion trend also creates a sense of belonging and value that makes people feel they are part of something bigger than themselves. This feeling disguises the true effects of this fashion trend and many people discover their mistake when it is too late.

This value proposition paper strongly explains that artificial bed tanning is the worst fashion trend ever. It explains fashion trend and tanning as the key words and also shows the hierarchy in this proposition. This helps in setting the basis for the argument of this proposition.It looks at the financial implication especially on the cost of tanning, medical treatment and clothing. These costs also reflect significant contributions to the industry’s revenue. Many people do not consider these implications as they dive into this fashion trend.It also looks at the aesthetics perspective of this fashion trend as well as the physical and health complications of the trend. This gives insight into the medical risks involved in this trendas well as the pursuit that individuals have for beauty.It looks at the criteria for evaluation and its relevance to the proposition. It also looks at the society that this fashion trend influences as well as the effects that it has. It finally looks at what causes this effects and their significance.


Turkington, C., & Dover, J. S. (2007).The encyclopedia of skin and skin disorders. New York, NY: Facts on File.

Heckman, C. J., &Manne, S. L. (2012).Shedding light on indoor tanning. Dordrecht: Springer.

Jablonski, N. G. (2012). Living Color: The Biological and Social Meaning of Skin Color. Berkeley: University of California Press.

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