


Date: 7th December, 2011


Vaso vagal episode is also known as the vaso vagal response. In other terms it can also mean vaso vagal attack or even neurocardiogenic syncope. Basically it is a depression that occurs in the vagus nerve that would lead to a situation that is called syncope or can we call it fainting? For this reason it is also known as the vasovagal syncope. However, there are different types of the vasovagal syncope and are generally known by the name vasovagal syncope as the umbrella name. In these vaso vagal episodes, there common thing that ties them together is the central tenet of this situation which basically leads to the consciousness loss while the differentiating factor is in the causes or the factors that initiates the state of unconsciousness.


Vaso vagal syncope or rather episode does not just occur. It is always initiated or triggered by in the nervous system by some kind of malfunctioning of some of the parts of the nervous system. That is responsible for the regulation of the blood circulation and rate of the heart beat. Basically, it is lack of blood or inadequacy of blood that will cause the dropping of pressure and this automatically causes inadequate oxygen to the nervous system. Finally there will be fainting that was initiated by this inadequacy of blood in the system. Despite the fact that vaso vagal episode is caused by inadequate blood supply to the nervous system but the re some incidences that can be directly connected to these faultiness in the blood supply. Some of these incident causes include stressful situations, standing or sitting upright for a prolonged period of time will cause this kind of situation in the nervous system. Also, some painful stimuli to the body such as venipucture, high pressures and even trauma, stimulants like sex, inadequate sleep among others can directly trigger vasovagas episodes. Other causes may include dehydration, certain drug use and even urination among other possible causes.


Most vaso vagal episodes are recurrent and they are usually exposed when one is subjected to conditions that may trigger their occurrences. You find that before a person loses his consciousness, there are some signs that come forth that act as prediction elements to these episodes. As a result of these actions in the nervous system, the following responses are likely to take place. First, we find that there will be a response called cardio inhibitory which involves dropping in the rate of heart and it will contract thus leading to a reduced output of the cardiac hence the loss of consciousness. Also there will be the response at the end of the spectrum known as the vasodepressor. This response is due to the drop in the pressure of blood, a situation that occurs due to withdrawal of the sympathetic system of the nerve causing vasodilatation these results to symptoms in the sufferer. Some of these signs include feeling nauseated, feeling of excessively hot which is caused by inadequate oxygen in the body therefore triggering the nerves to try and get oxygen from other sources. Because this is not the usual case most nerves are usually under pressure to look for oxygen thus stimulating more pressure in the nervous system. Also, there can also be feelings of light headedness and ringing ears. When one feels some uncomfortable in the heart and some vision thoughts that he or she does not know where from, this could also show that he or she is likely to suffer from a vaso vagal episode. When all these take place, there is an indication that there is some fault in the nervous system which will automatically be triggered by insufficient oxygen supply. This inadequate oxygen supply seems to be the force behind the fainting and losing consciousness. Finally we find that when these people regain their consciousness, it is as a result of the nervous system restoring the blood supply which is rich in oxygen, easing the pressure that could have piled in the nerves. At this time, the aorta expands to get blood from the upper part of the body as well as the head thus restoring the blood supply. Though the restoration may take place, the person suffering from a vasovagal episode may not be alright at ones. This is simply because the blood supply will not be steady and thus the sufferer may need more time to relax and regain his or her energy. Otherwise, the sufferer will collapse and lose his or her conscious ness again a few minutes after gaining the conscious state.

Despite the situations discussed above, there are also some conditions that are believed to cause these episodes. Generally, it is not easy for a physician to establish the sources or rather the cause of unconsciousness in a patient. Establishing vas vagal episodes in patients will dearly depend on the kind of description that the patient will give. He or she can give a vivid description of whatever he or she is feeling, and it is this description that will help the physician to rule that the condition in the patient is a vaso vagal episode or not. However, there are some tests that patients can also be subjected to help accurate prediction of the situation of the patient.


Treatment of the vasovagal episodes majorly focuses on the way of avoiding the occurrence of the situations that triggers its happening. Restoration of the blood supply in the brain during these situations is the immediate aid to such people. Though this is the chief way of counteracting these situations, research has also proved that there are some measures that can also be taken and may include subjecting your body to a relaxed mood most of the times. Also the consumption of salts and other fluids is recommended to enhance the volume of blood in the body. This amount of blood will reduce risks of losing consciousness due to inefficient blood supply. This will be majorly evidenced during sporting activities which will require much and frequent oxygen. With much blood in the body, there are very high chances that the supply will not be interfered with due to restraints from the heart to efficiently supply blood to the other parts of the body including the nervous system.


Vasovagal episodes do take place almost in every human being due to the different situations that people do subject themselves to. These situations, episodes may not be necessarily harmful especially those periods that are accompanied by short durations of unconsciousness. Despite all these, precautions have to be taken to avoid risking.

Also there are different types of vasovagal episodes but they happen to be related and they include vaso vagal reflex, vasovagal syncope and the vasovagal syncope.



Durand, V. (2006). Essentials of Abnormal Psychology (4thed). Eve Publishers: Michigan

Sheldon R, l. (2006). “Prevention of Syncope Trial (POST): a placebo-controlled study in the prevention of vasovagal syncope”. Circulation 113 (9) Cambridge University Press: Cambridge

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