Occupational segregation is considered as the distribution of individuals based on demographic traits





Question and Answer

Answer 1Occupational segregation is considered as the distribution of individuals based on demographic traits. Gender is the most used demographics trait, both within and across jobs and occupations. Occupational segregation levels differ on the basis of integration and perfect segregation. Perfect segregation takes place when a given occupation only employs one given group while perfect integration takes place each group is given and equal share in the occupation. For a labor, organization to ensure that gender equity is implemented in every organization whether private or public mostly uses occupational segregation. Occupational segregation is measured or evaluated using Duncan’s D similarity index. When measuring occupational distribution, the D has to be calculated first.Answer 2Self-employed workers are considered as individuals who work for themselves and not for anyone else. The workers work with clients who pay them an amount agreed. Self-employed workers have much freedom when making a choice of their clients as well as the way they manage their work. They often have their own clients and are also not employees of these clients. This means that self-employed clients work on a freelance basis. Self-employed workers not considered as real-time employees because they do not work under control and direction of the employer.Answer 3Human capital is a stock of habits, understanding and abilities as well as personal attributes embodied to undertake or perform labor to generate economic value. It is an aggregate economic perspective of human beings working within the economies, which is an attempt to seizure social and cultural complexity as they intermingle economic undertakings. There are several ways the government or other employers can use to improve human capital. The improvement can be done through training and education. There are several forms of human capital; however, the most commonly used are job training, geographic migration, and job search.Question 4There are two-dimension general labor market experience and tenure. General labor market experience is considered as the entire amount of time and an individual or employee has spent working while the second dimension (Tenure), is the total amount of time that an employee or worker has spent working with the employer. When tenure is summed up, it adds up to general labor market experience. Tenure can also be considered as the total sum of time a worker has worked for a specific organization or firm.Question 5A credit score is a numerical value defined in different levels of an individual’s credit files to indicate the creditworthiness of an individual. A credit score is founded on credit report information or date provided by credit bureaus. Lenders such as credit card institutions and banks use credit score to determine the risk posed by lending funds to clients. It is also used to mitigate losses caused by bad debts. Banks, as well as other financial institutions, use credit score to determine persons who qualify for loans. Despite the fact that credit score is mostly used by banks, other organizations such insurance companies and government departments use the same technique.

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