The implementation of the professional development in using new method at Al Asayel school

The implementation of the professional development in using new method at Al Asayel schoolName





TOC o “1-3” h z u Professional development used Al Asayel school PAGEREF _Toc382485972 h 2The problems faced PAGEREF _Toc382485973 h 4Solutions/suggestions/recommendations to these problems PAGEREF _Toc382485974 h 4

Professional development used Al Asayel schoolDAP versus Traditional Educational MethodsThe developmentally appropriate practice initiative promoted by the NAEYC is an alternative solution for the existing problems connected with early childhood education. Psychologists, educators, government and the public have already recognized the necessity to start educational practice with children from early childhood. The amount of three and four year old pupils has considerably increased lately. This situation provoked the development of new educational practices and curriculums, most of which still contain traditional educational methods. The withdrawal from the traditional educational system was proposed by a number of scientists in this field as noted by Asayel (1995), who proposed his model of brain-based learning in contrast to the existing classroom methodology.

Asayel’s model may be applied to all educational levels – from elementary to university education. The main argument of Asayel’s was the involvement of students in the learning process. His idea supported the work of R.N. Caine and G. Caine (1990), where the authors connected student’s participation in the process of education with his or her progress in studies. Asayel, R.N. Caine and G. Caine emphasized the advancement in student’s intellectual development when he or she has a clear understanding of the purpose of the study. Moreover, each student is unique and has some learning peculiarities. No one except for a student can develop learning strategies and approaches to suit each individual, and to ensure everyone’s success (Asayel, 1995).

It is clear that the provisions of the DAP initiative are similar to those in brain-based learning approach. The main difference is that developmentally appropriate practices concern education of children since this age is the most difficult and important for personal development and further success. It is critical to involve children in the learning process to ensure their clear understanding of the task assigned. The issues of age and individual appropriateness serve to eliminate misperceptions and misconceptions. For example, the teacher and children interpreted an activity called ‘The Leader of the Day’ differently. The goal of the teacher was to provide children with positive experience and to help them “to resolve conflicts in a democratic and fair manner and do not believe a leader has the right to be above everyone else or entitled to special treatment” (Developmentally Appropriate Practice in a Classroom Routine, 2008, p. 45).

Firstly, teachers are leaders to the children according to Dr. Seuss’s book, Yertle the Turtle. The reading activity was followed by the discussion of what a leader should be. This exercise encouraged children to make connections between the king character and the routine of the ‘leader of the day.’ Moreover, children analyzed behavioral traits of the king to make conclusions about what a good leader should be. On the example of the mean and cruel Yertle, children claimed that “a nice leader helps leader who are hurt… [and] should say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’” (Developmentally Appropriate Practice in a Classroom Routine, 2008, p. 48). Therefore, children developed the concept appropriate for ‘leader of the day’ activity on their own.

Secondly, children were encouraged to analyze whether the word ‘leader’ is suitable for their ‘leader of the day’ activity. As a result, some of them advocated for ‘leader, while others offered different names such as ‘star’, ‘helper’, and ‘student.’ Children were asked to think and vote for the most appropriate name for the practice. Thus, the teacher concluded that “the children’s involvement in defining this position would help them understand what it means to assume the position and carry out the role and responsibilities” (Developmentally Appropriate Practice in a Classroom Routine, 2008, p. 48). Consequently, children voted for ‘student’ and faced the question whether ‘student of the day’ should have a separate or noticeable place in the classroom. In this situation, the teacher allowed each child to choose the place while being a ‘student of the day.’

The problems facedMedium and low DAP classrooms contained a reduced amount of the characteristics peculiar to high DAP classrooms. This difference resulted in lower children’s interest in educational materials and practices. Teachers’ perceptions of academic advancement such as language development, literacy, and logical-scientific thinking were higher in high the DAP classrooms. Teachers’ evaluation of such affective characteristics of children as self-esteem, family support, cooperative learning, and comfort experienced in school environment was high in DAP classrooms for all variables. The assessment of social skills that included assertiveness, self-control, and cooperation showed high results with high DAP classrooms for the two first variables and a higher percentage of the third in low DAP classrooms.

Though the test evaluation of students’ progress in studies did not prove positive impact of developmentally appropriate practice, it does not seem that DAP is ineffective. As it is stated in the NAEYC’s position statement about DAP, children should be assessed due to their progress instead of their ability to provide correct answers and solutions. Since a set of test was of traditional educational nature, there is a need to develop new assessment strategies and techniques in accordance with the DAP provisions to determine the effectiveness of this practice. The amount of investigated literature witnesses the positive effect and attitude to the implementation of developmentally appropriate practice in classrooms. Probably, it requires more detailed investigation in the context of its effectiveness and appropriateness for early childhood education.

Solutions/suggestions/recommendations to these problemsThere are several researches that have been carried out in this field. This section addresses the previous methodologies used in the investigation of developmentally appropriate practices. Most of the previous researches in the field of early childhood education made use of qualitative methods of data collection and analysis. The main reason for the use of qualitative methods is due to the nature of the study. Most of the previous researches were based on a sample of approximately 40 to 50 respondents. The respondents in most cases were various stakeholders (teachers, principals, parents, and policymakers) in developmentally appropriate practices. A reasonable number of the previous surveys utilized both open ended questionnaires and the interview methods in data collection.

Alter and Conroy (n.d.) came out with an idea that was completely opposite to Van Horn et al. (2012). The work of Alter and Conroy laid much emphasis on the need to implement DAP in classrooms to prevent challenging behavior of young learners. Another survey in the discipline of effectiveness of developmentally appropriate practices is the work of Stafford et al. (2000). He investigated a longitudinal effect of DAP on children from low-income families. The sample of the study had 42 teachers and 192 students from six schools who had varied levels of DAP implementation. These included high use of developmentally appropriate practice methods and traditional approaches to learning. Most of the surveys used both qualitative methods of data collection and interviews. This was essential in enhancing the quality of feedback from the respondents.


Athey, C. (2007). Extending thought in young children: A parent-teacher partnership. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Bredekamp, S. (2001). Improving professional practice: A letter to Patty Smith Hill. In NAEYC at 75: Reflections on the Past, Challenges for the Future. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Bredekamp, S. &Copple, C. (1997). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood education programs. Washington,DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children.

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