The Social Impact of Empathy (Jamison & Cohen)

Essay Two

The Social Impact of Empathy (Jamison & Cohen)


In “Race and the Opioid Epidemic,” Andrew Cohen examines the political and specifically racial dimensions of epidemics in the United States, focusing on a series of drug epidemics culminating in the current crisis in opioid usage. American responses to these crises have combined law and medicine, with varying effect and often at cross-purposes. Currently, we continue to feel the impact of a much larger epidemic–indeed, a global pandemic. As with previous epidemics, the response to COVID-19 has combined law and medicine, politics and health care.


Write an essay in which you consider the role of empathy in fighting disease. Using both Jamison and Cohen, make an argument about how and why empathy impacts the way we respond to a disease, and to the people who have it. You can consider COVID-19 or another disease (cancer, addiction, mental illness) in order to analyze empathy’s impact on how—and whether— we work to fight a disease, as well as the other kinds of resources (public funding, awareness or support campaigns, etc.) we devote to it. In other words, how does empathy shape how we respond to people and also how we respond to problems, and even whether we recognize problems at all?

As before, your essay should depend primarily on our assigned readings and your own experiences and knowledge; outside sources are not necessary, though you should provide citations for any information, words or ideas that come from another source. Make connections to Cohen and Jamison’s essays through the use of quotes that help you consider how we respond as a society to disease, and how our responses are shaped by empathy for the people who have it. 

Essay 2 is a new essay assignment, but you may continue to discuss your topic from Essay 1. In this case, be sure this is a continuation of your previous essay, not a repetition of it. Avoid copying and pasting from your previous essay, but feel free to quote your previous essay as you would another source and consider how your thinking has changed or evolved, or is otherwise relevant to your current analysis.

Questions you might consider as you think about your essay:

How might empathy explain the difference between our approaches to the opioid epidemic and prior drug epidemics? 

How has empathy changed because of COVID-19? How does the political response to COVID-19 reveal racial or class politics?

In what ways is addiction like or unlike Morgellons disease? 

What might change socially and politically if we practiced empathy more often?

Formatting and Requirements:

Your essay should:

be 4-5 pages in length

include a Works Cited page (the 5th page can be your Works Cited page, with 4 full pages written)

be double-spaced

be typed in Times New Roman font

have 1-inch margins (on all sides)

include Your name, my name, class and date in the upper left corner of the 1st page

Format your essay according to MLA guidelines (see above).

You must use quotes from the reading to support your argument

For Writing Assistance:

See me during office hours for help with specific questions regarding your essay

Visit the FAU Writing Center for virtual writing assistance. online writing information, visit the Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL) for Evaluation:

Argument: Argument directly and fully answers the prompt; is clearly stated early in the paper; is original, compelling and logical, avoiding absolute claims

Evidence: Appropriate amount of relevant, accurate, and justifiably interpreted quotation. Quotations are thoroughly introduced, explained, analyzed, and connected to argument/other texts. Possible counter-arguments are considered.

Organization: Paragraphs maintain argumentative focus, exclude extraneous information, appear in a logical order, and transition smoothly. Introduction sets forth argument and goals of essay. Conclusion opens up avenues for future research.

Audience: Consistent, academic tone. Appropriate amount of contextual information, anticipating audience questions. Addresses significant issues and makes them important to audience.

Grammar and Format: Errors in grammar, spelling, and usage limited or non-existent. Correct MLA format, including proper quotation citation.

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