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The Us and Nevada Governments

The united states of America is a union of many states, and it is in this union whereby the state of Nevada is found. The united states of America have its general federal constitution, which applies to everyone, and it has effects on every part of the union of states. However, each of the states has its leadership and its constitution. This makes it easy to run different activities in the federal government’s conditions has given autonomy to the states to run their actions, and the federal government only comes in when the issue at hand must involve the federal government. In line with this, the different constitutions of the other and varied states borrow a lot from the federal government constitution due to their relatedness and how they serve the same people even though in different geographical jurisdictions. Therefore, Nevada’s constitution and the constitution of the federal government are related expertly. Herein consequently, I will discuss the three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial arms of the two governments, which are the government of the united states of America and the government of the state of Nevada (Rawle, 1825). 

The history of the United States of America’s constitution has exciting and essential events that help us understand the progress of the union, and this is an integral part of understanding the government of the united states of America. The US constitution took effect in 1789, and from all this time, it has always served as the supreme law of the US. The constitution was written during the Philadelphia convention, and it was made better in the years 1787 and 1788 before its release and affirmation that it was the supreme law of the land in 1789. From the time it was enacted, it has been amended twenty-seven times, and the reconstruction amendments and the bill of rights were the most critical amendments that took place. The constitution of Nevada was formulated and passed in 1864. Delegates framed it, and the people of the territory voted for it to be their accepted law to govern them (Bowers, 2014). After enacting the constitution that the president of that time, Abraham Lincoln, proclaimed the acceptance and receivership of the state of Nevada into the union officially.

The judiciary system of the united states federal government and that of Nevada are closely related. This is for a fundamental reason that they all serve the same duty even though with different weights. They are all involved in the enforcement of laws and correction of behaviors that are not according to the constitutions of their respective areas of jurisdiction. The judiciary arm of the government has its peculiar manner of doing and running its activities. Therefore, this separates it from the other government components that also perform their duties in their way. The primary separation from the other arms is that the judicial system is independent. It applies to everyone, even the top-most leader of the union or the state of Nevada.

In the federal government, the president is responsible for appointing the justices, after which the senate approves their appointments, and they are allowed to serve for a lifetime. The justices are expected never to be affected by political climate since they are forbidden from campaigning. In Nevada State, however, judges’ election is different in that a district-wide vote votes them, and they serve for six years. Therefore, in Nevada, it is more political, while in the federal government, it is more entirely outside the politics. Thus even though the manner of election or selection is different, they still serve the same purpose and bring justice to the whole of the United States of America.

Executive leadership is always the one noticed majorly by most people. This is because these are the people who interact with the citizens freely and socially. In the federal government, the executive powers are vested with the president majorly. This is because he is the most powerful, and he is at the top of organizational leadership. He is the head of state and the commander in chief. In collaboration with the Congress, which is the central governing council of the United States, he makes sure that the union is protected and that whatever laws and orders passed by the Congress are followed to the latter. In the state of Nevada, the executive branch is responsible for carrying out laws made by the legislature. Other types and extensions of the executive in the form of Nevada are the county administration.

The executive is elected into their respective positions by the people of the area a person represents. This is even though Congress can select the president in case of a tie. The order of power in the federal executive government is that the president is the most powerful, vice president, and Congress speaker. In Nevada, the governor is the chief executive of the state, and under him, there is the lieutenant governor and the secretary of state (The White House. (n.d.).

The legislative arm of the government is involved with the process of making laws. The Nevada constitution limits the number of legislators to 75 maximum. The legislature is involved in the making and amendment of laws. Therefore this group of people is the ones who run the country, and they make the laws that are appropriate for the life of the people they represent. Therefore most of them are elected to their various positions, which they hold, and therefore they must work and make decisions for the sake of the citizens who voted for them. At the national level, Congress is the final body for sensitive and very important decisions to be made. Therefore, this body comprises representatives from the areas they represent and all kinds of people; then there is a trust that what is to be decided in the Congress will be at the best desire and wish for the person doing it. In Nevada, the legislature is also of great significance as it makes laws that the people abide by, and they are meant for the good of society and not its destruction.

The two constitutions are almost similar in so many different and varied ways. These constitutions upon which the order of people and goods and other aspects of life are controlled, and we learn that it is essential. The two constitutions are both weak and healthy as well. One of the weaknesses of the constitution of Nevada is that the amendment process is always affected by political issues, and therefore it becomes challenging to deal with this. Other challenges include vagueness, equality, the imperial president, etc. One of its strengths is that the bill of rights, principles, and amendment processes. These make a person obey the law since they know what is stated in the law does not change. The federal government constitution is good but at the same time limiting, therefore encouraging people to make sure their friends were okay (Cherry, 2012).

In conclusion, we can say that both constitutions have had a lot of positive life due to their making and focus. The Nevada constitution is referred to as the summary and analysis of the federal government’s constitutions, and therefore they are both of equal importance. The federal government’s constitution has a lot of volumes, therefore in the daily lives of the citizens of the united states. This is similar to Nevada, which has a particular concern for the welfare of its residents.


‌ “The Executive Branch.” The White House,

‌ Cherry, M. A., & Brady, K. M. (2012). Battle Born: challenges facing the Nevada judiciary. Alb. L. Rev., 76, 2003.

Bowers, M. W. (2014). The Nevada State Constitution. Oxford Commentaries on the Sta.

Ferguson, M. R. (Ed.). (2006). The executive branch of state government: people, process, and politics. ABC-CLIO.

Rawle, W. (1825). A View of the Constitution of the United States of America. HC Carey & I. Lea.

The White House. (n.d.). The Judicial Branch. The White House.

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