Admission Essay Transfer to New York University

Admission Essay: Transfer to New York University

Quality education is important because of its ability to broaden one’s way of thinking and equip the same with vital skills for survival. This realization played a critical role in influencing my decision to pursue higher education after completion of my high school. The urge to assume a leadership position in future made me to settle for a business administration course that would enable me to achieve this goal. In order to be globally competitive, it was imperative to seek oversea education that was relatively of higher quality. Thus I secured a chance at Northern Virginia Community College to pursue business administration. The experience broadened my way of thinking and exposed me to various opportunities.

However, my dream had always been to pursue higher education in the most renowned institution of higher learning. As indicated earlier, I believe the quality of education is instrumental in enabling one to be more competitive. This can only be guaranteed in institutions that have a proven record of providing the same. It is for this reason that I am applying for a transfer to New York University. Notably, its Stern School of Business has been accredited for providing quality and leadership oriented education.

A recent national survey ascertains that the institution ranks among the top fifteen in the country. Its graduates dominate the international sphere with regard to leadership. Moreover, the institution has excelled in co curricula activities and accommodates students from diverse social, economic, racial and cultural backgrounds. The close relationship between the students and the teaching staff in undertaking vital research contributes significantly to broadening the knowledge base of the students.

I feel that my educational goals can be effectively met at this institution because of the fact that it offers innovative programs that are comprehensive and creative in nature. In particular, they are tailored and designed to meet the diverse and dynamic needs of the commercialized world. I strongly feel that this is a fundamental attribute of quality education. Thus attending this institution would enable me to attain the critical creative skills that are needed for adaptation in the changing world. Further, the institution has excellent facilities as well as resources. These are vital in molding informed individuals that would fit in the society on completion of higher education.

The opportunity to study at this institution would also give me a chance to interact with persons from diverse backgrounds at different levels. This interaction is vital in preparing me for challenges in the job market. At this juncture, it should be appreciated that the international environment is highly diversified and therefore very challenging. Also, its internship programs would expose me to actual job environments that characterize the international community. Of great importance however is the fact that the institution seeks to inculcate effective communication and critical thinking skills in its students. These are imperative in development of good leadership skills that are basic for effective administration.

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