Finding the Cure for Dementia

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Finding the Cure for Dementia

Describe the video: the title, speaker’s name, date of YouTube publication

The title of the video is “Finding the Cure for Dementia”. The speaker’s name is Tara Brown and the video was produced in January 16th 2020.

Provide 7th edition APA Reference of this YouTube video.

Tara Brown, (Jan 16, 2020). Finding the cure for dementia. 60 Minutes Australia. Retrieved from: your impressions of the atmosphere in the audience in this video.

Dementia is one of the world’s greatest diseases that upon mention creates fear among the people. Everyone would like to make it to 80s but nobody wants to get there only to find out that things aren’t the same as expected. The fears of Dementia are always high as it is characterized by loss of memory. As a result people feel like a burden to the community.

Memory fades with age and this has been consistent with the descriptions from the video. As a person ages, they tend to lose their memory and this is not pleasant to anyone who wishes to be at old age. At the beginning some people in their 80s complained that they felt like they were aged 120s and above. They were already tired of the dementia. However, there is a sign of relief to the audience as the cure for dementia has been found through healthy lifestyles.

What were the main points in the video (describe 4 points, 1 general and 3 for older people)

Alcohol – A drink in the afternoon and before dinner always a better option for longevity

Dieting – Unlike for younger people, dieting for the old people is not considered. Old people need fat insulations in their body to keep them warm and therefore dieting doesn’t matter.

Exercise – In regard to exercising, less minutes of exercise and more frequently worked better than for individuals who worked out 3 hours a day.

Romance – For the old people, romance is key as the old couple attributes their longevity to a romantic relationship. A kiss before and after sleep is essential to long life.

What kind of benefits do old people receive from the sleep?

Sleep is significant to everyone but to the old people it is more essential. A well regulated sleeping routine helps the elderly in improving their overall health as well as the quality of life. Other than helping improve the quality of life and longevity, regulated sleep is essential in increasing alertness during waking hours. Therefore, a well regulated sleep is essential for the elderly to prevent them from sleeping for long hours which increases the chances for Alzheimer disease.

How effective (stimulating and facilitating) was the facilitator? Give three examples of techniques the speaker used to keep attention of the audience.

Use of questions – The speaker has used questions to the audiences by questioning life at old age

Creating emphasis on certain issues – For the patterns used in longevity, the speaker emphasizes on key issues such as dieting and use of alcohol.

Keeping the topics short – Short topics with quick transitions has been used to help the audience not to get bored during the video.

Attention grabbing introduction – The speaker begins with a speech and an interview to old people that make a topic interesting.

What were the differences in sleep between old and middle-age people in the video?

The video doesn’t talk about sleep patterns but emphasizes on other issues in regard to longevity

What three take home messages YOU PERSONALLY took home for YOURSELF?

The three key takeaways that I have personally derived from the video include:

Exercise patterns are essential for a person not only because they want to live long but also to help keep their body fit. However, short exercise patterns are highly recommended at a frequent rate.

Alcohol is essential in longevity and also helps in treating dementia

Keeping the mind active also helps in longevity and prevents dementia

Romance is essential in longevity and therefore, it is best to choose the right partner.

In your opinion, to what category of people this presentation may be helpful? What makes you suggest that?

The video applies to all people not only the old and this is because we are all headed up to old age and therefore we need to take care of ourselves.

Did you observe anything in this video that may have caused you to have concerns about the seniors – if so what information caused you to be concerned?

Information regarding seniors is that they need to keep their brains active and also don’t emphasize on dieting. Besides, exercising is key to help them maintain a healthy life.

Did you observe any ageism/stereotyping in this video? If so explain.

Yes there were some aspects of ageism, People are afraid of getting old because of its association with Dementia.

List all new facts/info you have learned from this video?

New facts include:

Alcohol is linked to longevity

Short and frequent exercise are crucial in longevity

Sleep is essential for all

Romance is part of improving and enhancing longevity


Tara Brown, (Jan 16, 2020). Finding the cure for dementia. 60 Minutes Australia. Retrieved from: and Aging – Research on Aging

Describe the video: the title, speaker’s name, date of YouTube publication

The title of the video is “Sleep and Aging”. The speaker’s name is Jose S. Loredo and the video was produced in December 7th, 2017.

Provide 7th edition APA Reference of this YouTube video.

Loredo J.S. (Dec 7, 2017). Sleep and Aging. University of San Diego School of Medicine. Retrieved from: your impressions of the atmosphere in the audience in this video.

Sleep is an important part of the human life. The impressions on the audience of the video is that they are amazed while at the same time frightened and this can be heard from the reception of the audience. They are amazed to learn new things, for example that a dolphin and bacteria do sleep. They also learn that most of people’s lives are spent on sleeping. They are astonished to know that every organism that has a life form tends to sleep. By the speaker claiming that people take sleep for granted, it makes the audience frightened as we tend to care more about the time we are awake. They are also scared as sleep is associated to death. These facts triggers the audience to get eager and ready to learn.

What were the main points in the video (describe 4 points, 1 general and 3 for older people)

It is important for people to sleep so that their brains can relax.

There are four stages of sleep and they include: Stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, and REM (Rapid Eye Movement.

A good laugh and long sleep are the best cures for anything as it cheers the brain.

Sleep is important as it helps restoring mental and physical properties. For example sleep can help repair brain.

What kind of benefits do old people receive from the sleep?

Sleep helps the elderly in improving their overall health as well as the quality of life. Other than helping improve the quality of life and longevity, regulated sleep is essential in increasing alertness during waking hours. Besides, sleep is said to possess restorative processes for both mental and physical properties and therefore can help in curing diseases associate with elderly. Sleep repairs the brain through gene activation and adenosine. Sleep also helps in cardiovascular relaxation.

How effective (stimulating and facilitating) was the facilitator? Give three examples of techniques the speaker used to keep attention of the audience.

Use of questions – The speaker has used questions to the audiences by asking basic questions for example at 17:21, he asks what planet in the solar system that has 25 hours in a day?

Creating emphasis on certain issues – The speaker emphasizes on the need to sleep especially when talking of the significance of sleep.

Attention grabbing introduction – The speaker begins with a speech about longevity and the need for sleep and this make a topic interesting.

What were the differences in sleep between old and middle-age people in the video?

Young people sleep less as they associate sleep with death and this makes them become uncomfortable when sleeping. For the old people, they have less to do and thus they spend most of their time sleeping.

What three take home messages YOU PERSONALLY took home for YOURSELF?

The three key takeaways that I have personally derived from the video include:

Sleep is essential as it helps in cardiovascular relaxation

Sleep is a restorative process that helps in healing the brain and theory to maintain memory, a person must have enough sleep.

Even as we sleep, the brain is always at work, for example a dolphin can sleep with one part of its brain active.

Sleeping less than 5 hours can increase the rate of hypertension (23:56).

In your opinion, to what category of people this presentation may be helpful? What makes you suggest that?

The video applies to all people not only the old and this is because we are all headed up to old age and therefore we need to take care of ourselves. We all need enough sleep to relax our cardiovascular system and also restore the functions of the brain.

Did you observe anything in this video that may have caused you to have concerns about the seniors – if so what information caused you to be concerned?

Information regarding seniors is that they need to sleep more especially within the recommended time of 8 hours. Old people are prone to conditions and thus they may get hypertension is they sleep less than 5 hours in a night and this may increase their mortality rate.

Did you observe any ageism/stereotyping in this video? If so explain.

Yes there were some aspects of ageism, People are afraid of getting old because of its association with sleep apnea.

List all new facts/info you have learned from this video?

New facts include:

It is important to have a sleeping schedule

Sleeping between 1-9 hours may increase activity and reduces chances of disease and mortality

All living organisms including the bacteria do sleep.


Loredo J.S. (Dec 7, 2017). Sleep and Aging. University of San Diego School of Medicine. Retrieved from:

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