BHS402 Leadership & Management in Healthcare (3)

BHS402 Leadership & Management in Healthcare

Frames of a Leader


For this final assignment, your goal is to identify a leader in a healthcare related field who you can access for an interview. The interview can be done in person or by phone. Develop a series of questions that reflect the four frames. These questions should lead you to an understanding of the leaders frames of strength. You should develop an overall impression of the organization based on your research of the organization. Utilize the interview to verify your impressions of the organization and to learn more about the leader. Consider the organization through your lens……is this a place that you might like to be employed and why? Consider your StrengthsQuests results as well. Is it an organization that seems to effectively meet its mission? How does the work they do influence our healthcare system?

To successfully complete this assignment, please provide the following information:

An overview of the organization based on your research (including mission, value statements, etc.)

A list of questions you develop with interview responses from your selected leader. Please provide a detailed background of this individual to include title, responsibilities, etc.

An assessment of the organization based on your research, observations and interview details.

A final reflection on whether this organization might be a good fit for you as you consider your career path. Provide explanations of why or why not. How do your strengths and framing intersect? In other words, consider your views of the organization through the various frames as well.

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