Academy of Sports Medicine

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Academy of Sports Medicine

Report on the 2020 ConferenceBackgroundThe Academy of Sports Medicine (ASM) conference is designed for ASM members and other professionals working in sports medicine and exercise science. For the past 15 years, the ASM has been organizing and hosting the conference, which has become the premier educational and networking event for athletic trainers, team physicians, physical therapists, physician’s assistants, and other sports medicine professionals. The objectives of this year’s conference were to share and analyze innovations in basic science and clinical medicine for exercise, fitness, health, and physical performance. rightcenterConference HighlightsMore than 550 people registered for this year’s conference in Atlanta, Georgia, to hear 75 speakers over the course of five days. In addition to memberships and sponsorships, the conference is a major source of revenue for the ASM, both directly and indirectly through promotion and word-of-mouth marketing. As the following table shows, the conference generated more revenue for the ASM this year than last year.Source Revenue

Member advance registration $108,000

Nonmember advance registration $19,500

Member on-site registration $12,500

Nonmember on-site registration $6,400

Student registration $625

Total revenue 2020 =SUM(ABOVE) $147,025.00

Total revenue 2019 $135,500

Increase in total revenue $ =B7-B9 # “#,##0” 11,525

Attendee ProfileOf the 15,000 people who have ever attended the ASM conference, most (82%) practice in the United States, with 11% from Europe and 7% from Asia. As in previous years, attendees were divided equally between male and female, with people aged 38–62 making up the majority of the crowd. The following chart summarizes the professional specialties of this year’s attendees.

EvaluationsOrganized events for this year’s conference included the welcome reception, the keynote address, and the scheduled workshops and presentations. Participants were asked to rate the events according to their relevance, innovation, content, and overall value. The following table summarizes the compiled results, with 5 as the highest rating and 1 as the lowest rating.Event Relevance Innovation Content Overall Value

Welcome reception 3 2 2 3

Keynote address 5 3 5 4

Presentations 5 5 5 5

Seminars 5 4 4 4

Workshops 5 4 5 5

About the Academy of Sports MedicineT


Innovation and Leadership


Innovation and Leadership

he Academy of Sports Medicine is dedicated to leading the field of sports medicine through innovative work in science, education, and medicine. Our mission is to support the aims of sports medicine around the world.

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