Adolescence is typically a period of life that occurs mostly between the ages of 10 to 16 years.

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Adolescence is typically a period of life that occurs mostly between the ages of 10 to 16 years. This period the youth undergo different physical and behavioral changes. Since many years ago, this stage has been viewed as a stage of tremendous stress and storms for youth and all who came across them. This stereotyping of young people being caught in changing bodies and raging hormones has been affecting not only their parents but also educators. Much weight has been given to difficulties associated with adolescents and has also led to many views on the level of control and patients among the youths who are trying to interfere with their adolescents. Recent research has to try to answer some of the questions pertaining to rapid change during early adolescence and how the schools and other educational institutions, including social welfares designed to serve these young students. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the adolescent developmental characteristics of the students impact the classroom, such as the learning environment and a diverse student population in the school. It also explains how organizations structure impacts middle school programs and practices. Lastly, the paper tries to look at how is this information valuable to you as a future teacher as you consider socially equitable practices and your knowledge of middle schools.

Middle-level educators in the middle grades enjoy being with young adolescents as they are knowledgeable about the dynamic uniqueness of this stage. The value detailed study and carry research on decision reflecting the interest and the need of the student. These educators are more sensitive to students’ behavioral differences and respond positively toward them; hence, they are likely invertible to students’ role models. By the provision of good leadership, they improve schools’ effectiveness. They also send influential messages to the students and practice those qualities that they want students to emulate.

Through active learning, students are able to express their preferences and need where the educators are able to plan for instructions and assessment. Middle grades schools also become successful through the concept of active learning. This concept also assists students to hypothesize and get adequate information which helps them in understanding their goal hence playing a major role in the achievement of their education.

The challenging curriculum is another concept. The concept relates the curriculum as a vehicle for accomplishing the vision and mission of the school. In most of the middle grades schools, curriculum program not only includes classwork but also programs like group discussions, games, drama and music production, and student government. Some of the middle grades schools run their curriculum through units and projects where they mainly focus on the major issues and complex tasks. There is also a hidden curriculum where the students learn through seeing and interacting with people from different backgrounds, which mostly affects their way of doing things and also has a powerful influence on students’ education. Therefore, teachers in these schools should not only focus on the programmed curriculum but also focus on the positive interaction with the students and make sure that students are all treated equitably.

Even if the learning task is difficult, it should be seen as achievable, and this is by moving beyond the syllabus. Teachers should use their professional knowledge in consultation with the students to guide them on how to gather ideas from a vast range of information, and this can be achieved through teachers’ guide to students in examining the values, views, assumptions and address them on how and why things are happening. The concept will help the students to place emphasis on the understanding of the basic concept and able to use information informing creative solutions from the overwhelming data available.

Organizational structure nature effective interdisciplinary. Students and teachers work together to maintain high discipline, which signifies high performance in the schools. The disciplinary team also enhances parents’ contacts and improving the learning climate in the schools. Furthermore, a well-structured organization has a positive impact on the professional of teachers. A similar dairy schedule inhibits plans on how to integrate curriculum, analyze the collected data, monitor the students’ work, and discuss the arising hypothesis. Schedules that provide extensive class time schedules allow activities like mocks trial, fieldwork and trips, and debates, which are valuable learning experiences.

In most cases large schools, are divided into sub-divisions; houses or schools within the school in which replicates smaller grade levels, which make the school at large. The replication of lesser grades fosters a long term relationship between students and their teachers, which creates a sustainable relationship between teachers, parents, and students. The schools have also created a program where a parent can receive any information pertaining to students’ academic progress, and also, the student can receive a telephone from any family member in case of concern. The program has helped families stay engaged with their students’ educational progress though it is very difficult as most students prefer to keep home and school separate. But this type of communication leads to higher achievements among the students.

Adolescent involves dynamic behavioral and physical changes. Through learning, research, and long term association with the middle-level students, as a future teacher will be in a position of noting different traits and how to deal with them. Through good relationships with the students, you will get first-hand information about their preferences, and your instructions will be received. Students will be more likely to respect, obey, and listen to you. A good relationship with the student will report to improved performance in the curriculum, and this is due to the fact that students can easily approach you for help if they have a problem in a particular unit or subject. It is the fact that students get more encouraged to working hard if they know for sure that their teacher looks at them, which helps in the identification of the means and the strategies to use in order to maintain a good relationship with the students. Furthermore, through cross interaction with the student, the teacher will identify the best teaching method to adopt, hence improving a grade in your subject.

In conclusion, middle-class teachers use their research knowledge about young adolescent development and use the knowledge to integrate classroom events. They also use the knowledge in building good relationships with the student and initiating programs that help families stay engaged with their students’ educational progress though it is very difficult as most students prefer to keep home and school separate. This type of communication leads to higher achievements among the students. As a future teacher, one should embrace listening, and direct interaction with the student as this will create a good relationship between the teacher and the students, which are of benefits to both the teacher and the students’ performance.


Lounsbury, J. H. (2010). This we believe: Keys to educating young adolescents. Middle School Journal, 41(3), 52-53.

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