Academic monitoring and why it is important

Academic monitoring is necessary in all learning institutions for appropriate service to all students and special attention where necessary. This is due to the difference of learning abilities in students, which is evident in their performances. Therefore, educators especially lower school teachers should come up with strategies which will accommodate all students and make learning effective. Studies have shown that proper implementation of these strategies always yields positive results, thus distinguishes effectual schools from the ineffective (Avery, 2008). There are no specifically strategies required for implementation for learning to be efficient; however, the effective teachers use their professionally acquired skills to come up with flexible measures that relate to the specific group of students. These should be able to be adjusted when handling a different group of students since academic attention varies.

With sufficient knowledge of the group of students that a teacher is dealing with, formulation of strategies would be the next step. These are used to crosscheck and evaluate students’ performances of classroom assignment and check on them during lessons. For instance, a teacher may give random examination to the students to enquire whether they study for examination purposes or for understanding. These results give the actual performance standards and the clear picture of the students’ participation in classroom lessons. This may require a teacher to indulge students in class by posing questions which require them to critically analyze the lessons’ teachings. Allowing students to monitor themselves is also a strategy that the teachers can use; thus, discover those who mostly require attention from the teacher (Blerkom, 2004). This can be used during lesson by moving around the classroom to monitor reaction of the students to the teacher’s presence and how they are going about their assignments.

There are students who perform relatively below the average standards in both their examinations and classroom assignments. The tutor can evaluate this kind of trend and strategize on how to help these students. Here, it is clear that the students face difficulties in their assignments and need assistance. First, it is important to impose an accountability ethic on the students to help them realize they are responsible for their own performance (Zimmerman, 1990). Where students realize they are responsible for their studies, it becomes easier for them to seek academic assistance where they face difficulty, thus can be assisted. This is a method that will involve students in improving their own performance, thus, they regulate their own learning. With difficulty in class assignments, teachers can apply a one on one contact with class during lessons. The close relationship will enhance confidence and willingness to work harder on the areas they are facing difficulties. Giving of tasks to exercise on these specific areas and scores gives them a chance to practice harder (Avery, 2008).

For a teacher to carefully know the abilities of students, study of the performance trend in assignments, examinations, class participation is necessary. It is more likely that better performance is observed where there is a balance in all the three fields. They can therefore involve students by asking questions to review their understanding and willingness to attempt to respond (Avery, 2008). These strategies have been effective over the years according to researchers. This is because; special attention on a student boosts his/her self esteem which will give them the morale to try harder and be less fearful of failure. The encouragement of self regulation as a learning strategy also gives better chances for the evaluation of their own trends thus put more of extra effort on their own while getting assistance where necessary to improve their performance (Zimmerman, 1990). Academic monitoring strategies are clearly effective where team work between students and their tutors is evident.


Avery S. (2008). Academic Monitoring. Educational Theories. Retrieved from

Blerkom, M., & Blerkom, D. (2004). Self-monitoring Strategies Used by Developmental and Non-developmental College Students. Journal of College Reading and Learning, 34. Retrieved from

Zimmerman, B. (1990). Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement: An Overview. Educational Psychology, 25(1), 3-17.

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