Access to Primary and Maternity Care Services

Access to Primary and Maternity Care Services

In the New York area there are consumers who have either no insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, or some type of commercial insurance. Race, income, and age play major roles in determining what, if any, insurance a person will have. For your paper you must discover how a patient’s financial class (primary insurance status) will affect their access to both hospital-based and non-hospital-based health care services. For example, for primary and maternity care, you will be exploring hospital-based for delivery and non-hospital-based for primary and pre-natal care.
Core research questions:
1) Does insurance status play an essential role in accessing services and thereby contribute to health disparities?
2) Should all providers be required to see patients regardless of ability to pay?
3) If so, what financial problems would that requirement create?
4) Is there sufficient funding for institutions that provide care regardless of ability to pay?
After gathering data, please write a paper of between 2,000- and 2,500-words excluding title page, charts, tables, and references. The paper should answer all the questions referred to in the “core research question” section. You should answer the questions in a narrative flow that clearly signals the question being answered without using a “Q&A” format.
Sections should include:
Introduction. Explain to the reader the problem you are exploring and why it is important.
Methodology. Document your process for obtaining and analyzing information and data.
Findings. Share your data. The papers should have information on the network of services directly related to primary and maternity care in the NY area and how providers are funded. It should address whether there are adequate services and what are their quality. You should provide data on how a patient accesses services in your service line, including typical wait times. You must discuss rates of payment by insurance type for the most common needs within your service line(primary care/maternity care).
Discussion. Take a position and form an argument to support your position on the core research questions.
Conclusion. Propose a solution to the problem.

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