According to Sir Ken Robinson on the significance of creativity in education (2) – Copy

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According to Sir Ken Robinson on the significance of creativity in education, creativity is more significant in the workplaces due to the fact that most of the companies are looking for more than just graduates to perform specific tasks. Besides, the companies need employees who are able to think for themselves and therefore are able to think differently and be innovative. During the 2006 TED talk, Sir Ken Robinson challenged the way we are educating our children and therefore champions a radical rethink of the present school system in their effort to cultivate creativity as well as acknowledging multiple types of intelligence.

According to Robinson, creativity is essential in education just like literacy is deemed to be significant and therefore, literacy and creativity should be treated with the same status. Children will tend to take a chance, and they are not afraid of being wrong but according to Robinson, being wrong does not necessarily imply creativity but at the same time questions to the questions the dedication of being creative if an individual is afraid of being wrong. During his lecture, Robinson claims that by the time the children matures tom be adults, they already have lost the capacity of creativity as they have become frightened due to the consequent failures. According to Robinson, the current generation is responsible for discouraging creativity, and this is done through stigmatization whereby the society stigmatizes mistakes. It is undoubtedly true that the current educational system is run in such a manner that making a mistake is one of the worst things that a child can do.

Accordant to Robinson, it is due to the stigmatization of the mistakes that are responsible for smothering creativity in schools in the sense that we are educating our children out of creative capacities. Robinson further states by quoting from Picasso that all children are born artists bit the main problem is to remain to be as an artist as one grows up. Robinson believes that individuals don’t grow into creativity but grow out of it, or the children are educated out of creativity. Robinson asserts that in every system, there is a hierarchy within the arts, and within these, arts and music are generally associated with a higher ranking in status in schools than drama and dance. According to him, there is no education system on the globe that is capable of teaching dance every day to the children in the same way that the teachers teach mathematics in schools.

The education system is predicated on the idea of academic ability, and the education system came to meet the needs of industrialism. The education hierarchy is rooted on the basis of two ideas one of which is based on the most useful subjects being listed on the top. Robinson claims that the whole topic of public education is not based on creativity as the things that were deemed creative were stigmatized. During the early times, the possession of a degree earned a person a direct job unlike in the present days where a graduate walks home to play video games.

Through Robinson’s assertion that the present education system doesn’t support or push for creativity among the students, we are able to relate to the present situations, and it is true that the education system is developed and strengthened for the aspiring employees and not entrepreneurs. The fact that the current education system doesn’t foster creativity is due to the fact that schools focus on the subjects to which they deem to be relevant to the job market. While at the same time stigmatize those people who most likely try to expose their creativity especially on such fields as fitness, sports, and physical education as they are not relevant according to the education system. The claim is valid as most of the educational curriculum supports only the theoretical part of learning and doesn’t pay an effort to other aspects of creativity such as in sports and therefore the education system can be termed as being the number one enemy to the growth of talents as well as encouraging creativity among the students.


Do schools kill creativity? Sir Ken Robinson. (2006): Retrieved from:

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