According to the society,

According to the society, men and women view benefits of a marriage differently. Men typically see the benefits as that they can have children while women see marriage as a way to build their social and financial stability. Most people believe that these two views are mutually exclusive, but is this true? Many people argue that it is not true and that both sexes would benefit from a relationship. However, there are still many benefits of marriage for men like being able to be part of an extended family and prestige in society.

The structural characteristics of marriage include, social status, religion, race ethnicity, and age at marriage. These characteristics impact the marriage in various ways. For instance, the social status of the family can affect how their children will be treated, due to respectability politics. Also, religion can impact how people view marriage as well such as in Hindu society where arranged marriages are more common than other religious groups.

When it comes to gender differences and marital satisfaction men and women both have different roles, but they are expected to work together in all aspects of a marriage. In order for these differences to be worked around it requires communication which is difficult since men and women often interpret conversation differently. It’s important that gender differences are looked at before planning a marriage because failure to do so could cause problems down the road.

My personal definition of love is the feeling you have for another person that makes you want to be close to them and do anything for them. It is a transcendent feeling, one where your heart aches every time you are apart from the other person. The “Principle of Least Interest” suggests that the person who is least interested in maintaining a relationship can most easily walk away from the relationship. When applied to romantic relationships, the person who has no interest in maintaining the relationship can break off the relationship without a second thought.

In my experience, “Principle of Least Interest” is more applicable when people are dating and not yet committed, as breaking up becomes more difficult when you have a history together. If you have been dating for a while and decide to call it quits, it can be difficult because you will both likely want what’s best- for yourselves as well as for each other.

Cohabitation refers to an arrangement where two people are living together but are not married. It is generally the non-marital or informal living situation in which two unmarried or cohabiting people share the same residence, either on a permanent basis or for an indeterminate amount of time. The term often carries overtones of casualness, convenience and lack of permanence. Depending on cultural context, there may be different definitions for what constitutes cohabitation and what rights are afforded to each party during that arrangement. Sometimes a person who is not married may use the word “cohabitation” to refer to any type of living arrangement with another person or persons outside marriage and sometimes it may encompass only those arrangements that are characterized by some certainty about the future duration.

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