Applying evidence to practice essay based on clinical scenario

Applying evidence to practice essay based on clinical scenario

Present the findings from the research articles that directly respond to the clinical question/s, compare and contrast the findings, and then apply what is known to clinical nursing practice.

Identify the key concepts within the task, and determine the knowledge required to complete the task.
The introduction should clearly identify the clinical scenario chosen and ask a relevant clinical question.

Acquire relevant information from a variety of sources including textbooks and journals. needs to include at least six articles relevant to the topic sourced from relevant library nursing databases.

Appraisal of information on the basis of academic reliability and credibility, currency, and arguments needs to be presented. Findings from the articles need to be compared & contrasted.

Knowledge gained is synthesised, analysed and applied to nursing practice & in a cohesive manner which aids the reader’s understanding

Structure and argument need to be logically organised according to the appropriate writing genre (style).
Arguments must be supported by relevant evidence. Paragraph content reflects the steps of the EBP process

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