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Swot Analysis

You selected a company and analyzed their strategy and mission  which is Domino’s Pizza. In Unit VI, we will continue your work with this company and develop a SWOT analysis.

Remember that a SWOT analysis identifies strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization. This is an important analysis for any organization as it can be used for strategic planning. Your SWOT analysis must be a minimum of two pages in length. Once you have completed your SWOT analysis, write a minimum of one page, explaining how this information could be used by the company.

Please use the template below to complete the SWOT analysis and explanation.

Assignment 1: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) Analysis

The assigned readings for Module 2 on strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis highlighted the importance of such an activity and provided the method of conducting it. In this assignment, you will conduct a hypothetical strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis.

Envision you and a handful of colleagues wish to start a business. In order to develop the best strategy for entering the market, you need to conduct a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis.

Perform the following:

  • Select a product or a service to base the business on.
  • List (at least) four strengths, four weaknesses, two opportunities, and two threats. These should be thoughtful and realistic for a start-up organization.
  • Outline the business strategy on the basis of the results of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis.


  • Leverage your small, agile size and innovative product/service for strengths.
  • Consider the downside of being new and small for weaknesses.
  • Think big for opportunities.
  • Beware of the market leader or technology changes as threats.
  • All of these should be tailored to the selected product or service.

Note: Click here to view an example of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis and its resulting strategy.

Submission Details:

Week 2 Application Assignment: Group Stages


This week, you examined the various stages of group as well as the dynamics associated with each stage.  Assignment 2 will help you to clarify and illustrate your understanding of your own personal approach as a group leader and the importance of understanding potential challenges in group work.

Essay Questions for Week 2

Create one to three paragraphs for each of the essay questions below.

1.     Identify and explain three useful procedures for the beginning stage of a group.

2.     What are the seven steps in the group forming stage?  Choose one step and discuss why it is crucial to this stage.

3.     Name and discuss one potential “people problem” and one potential procedural issue that may occur in the forming stage of a group.

Conclude by reflecting on the following question in 1-3 paragraphs.

  1. Identify some aspect of yourself that you have recently discovered about yourself that had previously been “hidden from your view.” Using Lufi’s Johari Window describe how you came to be aware of this aspect of yourself.

This assignment will count toward your final grade and is worth 75 points.

Rubric Assignment 2

This assignment is worth 75-points for being complete and submitted on time.

Category Points
  25-20 19-14 13-8 7-0
Quality of Information 25 points Answers include definitions, descriptions, and examples with insight and well-thought ideas. Answers include some references to definitions, descriptions, and a general example. Information is relevant but lacking focus. Information is incomplete.
  20-16 15-11 10-6 5-0
Organization 20 points Information is well organized. Paragraphs are well constructed. Use correct terms, and information is factual and correct.

Information is organized and information is factual and correct but needs expanding. The information appears to be disorganized. The information presented is questionable. Information is not only disorganized but inaccurate.
  20-16 14-10 9-5 4-0
Reflection 20 Points Shows strong evidence of reasoned reflection and depth. Examples are personal as well as appropriate. Shows evidence of reasoned reflection. Examples are emerging in introspection. Minimal reasoned reflection. Lacks reflection and depth.
  10-9 8-7 6-5 4-0
Mechanics and Format 10 points No grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors. Paragraphs attend to APA format with references when needed. Almost no grammatical, spelling, or punctuation or APA errors. Paragraphs attend to APA format with references when needed. Many grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors. Numerous grammatical and punctuation errors.