Recent orders

the average fleet size for URC in Tampa is 3.516K while the daily weekday and weekend orders is 2.8K and 2.14K respectively. In Orlando

the average fleet size is 20.98K while the daily weekday and weekend orders is 17.88K and 18.11K respectively. In Miami

the average market demand and the average total sales for Orlando was 114 K while the unfilled orders were only 2K. This clearly indicates that the firm is able to effectively meet its demand in this particular market. Moreover

the unfilled orders were only 2K. Unfilled orders refers to the obligation of a firm to provide services or products which are yet to be fulfilled (Perboli et al.

accomplished managers take into account the potential revenues to be gained and cost implications of the business model to be adopted. The results obtained from the evaluation illustrates whether or not a business is financially feasible. More often than not

business models take into account the opportunity cost during the decision making process (Hinterhuber and Liozu 2014). Opportunity costs refers to the alternative benefits that may be realized when a manager of a business capitalizes the on the best alternatives available. In the four markets where URC operates the average price charged for renting a car during the weekday is higher as compared to during the weekends. Such a difference in price is attributable to the fact that the management of the firm noticed differences in demand between weekends and weekdays. In terms of pricing