Causes of Depression


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Causes of Depression

Depression is a mental condition characterized by loss of interest and sadness. Depression is different from mood fluctuations that people go through in their daily life. Depression is an ongoing crisis. While some episodes last up to two weeks, others tend to last several weeks, months, or years. Every year, depression affects 1 in 15 adults, which is an estimated 6.7% of the population. One in six people tends to experience depression at some point in their life. While depression can kick in at any time, it first appears during teenagehood to mid-20s. Notably, women are more prone to depression than their male counterparts. This essay highlights the major causes of depression.

Although depression has no major known causes, some factors have been linked with the condition. Inherited traits are one of them. Depression tends to be more common among people that have relatives who have the condition (Abd Yusof, Chenghua, and Frank, 17). Researchers are still trying to identify a gene that causes depression. Another cause is biological differences. Individuals presenting with depression tend to display physical changes in their brains. While the relevance of these changes remains unclear, it may eventually explain the cause. Hormones are also linked with depression. Changes in the balance of hormones are likely to trigger depression. Hormonal changes result from pregnancy, postpartum delivery, menopause, thyroid problems, and other conditions (Klein, Gerard, Mascha, Steven, Burger, and Bockting, 227). Brain chemistry has also been linked with depression. Neurotransmitters occur naturally in the brain and play a role in depression. Recent studies show changes in the effect and function of neurotransmitters and the way their interactions with neurocircuits help maintain mood stability.

In closing, depression is a significant health issue today. Major causes of depression include inherited traits, biological differences, hormones, and brain chemistry. While women and teenagers are most prone to developing depression, it is advisable for people of all ages and gender to keep track of their mental health. People should seek professional help if they are grappling with depression.

Works Cited

Abd Yusof, Noor Fazilla, Chenghua Lin, and Frank Guerin. “Analysing the causes of depressed mood from depression vulnerable individuals.” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Digital Disease Detection using Social Media 2017 (DDDSM-2017). 2017.

Klein, Nicola S., Gerard D. van Rijsbergen, Mascha C. Ten Doesschate, Steven D. Hollon, Huibert Burger, and Claudi LH Bockting. “Beliefs about the causes of depression and recovery and their impact on adherence, dosage, and successful tapering of antidepressants.” Depression and anxiety 34.3 (2017): 227-235.

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