Changes in the Attitudes

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Changes in the Attitudes and Treatment of the Elderly

The key changes that I anticipate will occur in attitudes towards the elderly between now and the time when I am 80 years old are positive interaction between younger and older people, improved understanding of the elderly people, and the development of technology that enables older people to live independently (Richardson 903).

The first change I anticipate is that interaction between younger and older people will be more positive. This is because young people will choose to work with older people as an option instead of only choosing to work with each other. The second change I anticipate is an improved understanding of the elderly by young people, which can result in better interactions, much greater compassion for those who are marginalized (elderly), and a more empathetic approach when working together on projects or tasks (Richardson 904).

Moreover, the development of technology will make older people more independent. This is because technology will allow older people to communicate with each other through messaging and communication devices such as smartphones, making it much easier to communicate with others. This means that matters such as money and living arrangements can be easily discussed and plans made. Also, technology makes it possible for individuals to locate their loved ones anywhere in the world, which means that they can visit their family and friends more easily. There are also other possibilities that could come about in the future (e.g. a robot that helps older people become independent or a time machine) that could make these changes more likely to occur (Gnambs 55).

In terms of what I anticipate will still be important when I turn 80, my own independence is something I value greatly and would like to continue to do so during this period of time. Also, it is a topic of interest for me to find ways to communicate with non-English speaking people so that they can better communicate not only with me but also with each other in their native language.

On the other hand, the key change that will occur in the treatment of the elderly between now and the time when I am 80 years old is that there will be an improvement in the fulfillment of the psychological needs of the elderly (Simonetti 11). This improvement will be realized when young people are able to understand the elderly better, through improved communication between them.

Today, older people are often neglected by younger generations and by society in general and often face discrimination when getting jobs or going to the database. By understanding their situation, we can create the conditions for them to have fairer treatment (Simonetti 11). As a society, we should be more aware of what is going on in this sector and ask ourselves: why are there so many questions about the aging population? There is a lack of information on older people ourselves that could explain this phenomenon. In my opinion, it’s not because by default there is no interest; it’s because society does not know how to deal with it.

Works Cited

Gnambs, Timo, and Markus Appel. “Are robots becoming unpopular? Changes in attitudes towards autonomous robotic systems in Europe.” Computers in Human Behavior 93 (2019): 53-61.

Richardson, Sarah J., et al. “Research with older people in a world with COVID-19: identification of current and future priorities, challenges and opportunities.” Age and ageing 49.6 (2020): 901-906.

Simonetti, Alessio, et al. “Neuropsychiatric symptoms in elderly with dementia during COVID-19 pandemic: definition, treatment, and future directions.” Frontiers in psychiatry 11 (2020): 579842.

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