Code of ethics essay by

Code of ethics essay by

For the assignment, you are asked to access and analyze a code of ethics from a public or non-profit organization. Most are listed online or on the organization’s website.

Evaluate and perform an “Ethics Audit” using the following expectations:

Identify the organization, and include a “copy” of the code of ethics in your report. (The copy of the organization’s code does not count towards the page requirement for this assignment.)

The evaluation of the organization’s code of ethics should be formatted in a (paragraph) narrative format.

Evaluate all general themes that involve conduct and behavior application to all employees.

Provide reflection and examples if the document is clearly or vaguely written.

Provide evidence of infractions or sanctions if certain behaviors are not followed.

Provide a comprehensive summary.

Your response should be at least two pages in length in APA style. You are required to use at least two sources to support your audit. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

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