Healthcare continuous improvement project and change management

Healthcare continuous improvement project and change management

Continuous improvement as an aspect of change management to the implementation of the Private Sector Development Strategy



5.1 CRITIQUE OF ADOPTED APPROACH – honest discussion of what worked & what didn’t when you applied your methodology & undertook the fieldwork (1-2 pages)

5.2 ANALYSIS – What the findings all mean. This should be an extended analysis of the findings supported by relevant references (lots!) to academic materials you have introduced earlier in the dissertation. This section should give meaning and context to the findings through the application & mapping of relevant theory from earlier in the dissertation. You should also explicitly re-visit each of your research objectives from chapter one.

This should be by far the longest section in chapter 5, and typically runs to several pages.

Remember to make sure EVERY paragraph is full of relevant academic references (re-use from earlier in the dissertation), BUT, don’t cite any individual author more than TWO times, please.
Note – you need to develop your arguments by comparing and contrasting different elements of chapter 4 and linking them to theory from earlier in the dissertation. Which theories does your research confirm, and which are they questioning (because you found different results from what the theory suggests)? Reuse lots of references from the literature review here!

5.3 OVERALL CONCLUSIONS (about 2-3 pages) explaining how you have met the research aims & thus answered your research question. (use lots of relevant academic references)

& Recommendations (if appropriate). If included, these MUST be clearly and explicitly predicated on overall conclusions and MUST be underpinned by relevant theory. Again – use lots of references here.

5.4 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY (about ½ page)


5.6 REFLECTION – a reflection of the implications of your research for practice AND a personal reflection of your learning and development whilst undertaking this research (about 2 pages).

1. English spelling, not American please, e.g. “rigoUr”.
2. Do not repeat and use any reference that has been used in Chapter 1, Chapter 2 or Chapter 3, Chapter 4, please read Dissertation Chapters.pdf.
3. The interviews results are listed in Interviews.pdf
4. Do not cite the same author twice, and it is requested to have a number of sources (reference) at least 50.
5. Preferable to have in the chapter some of the paragraphs as multiple sources used in each paragraph for ex:
a) Literature review shows around two-thirds of all change initiatives fail (Ahmad and Cheng, 2018; Ahmad et al., 2020; Evans, 2020; Beer and Nohria, 2000; Kotter, 1995).
b) Develop and adopt a narrative over time to provide a sense of unity and purpose (Mallett and Wapshott, 2019; Watson, 2019; Watson, 2018).

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