Critique of Training Design


Prepare a 2-3-page memo to the vice president of operations that critiques the proposed training.
• Identify all problems related to the proposed training and discuss why these items are problems. Hint: You might want to review the
competencies and areas of expertise TD professionals are expected to demonstrate. The Association for Talent Development (ATD)
Competency Model ( is a good resource.
• Give your recommendations for improving the training design and explain how your revised design will address the VP’s expectations
regarding the training.
• Describe at least two ways managers can support the training. Hint: You might want to review the Transfer of Learning Matrix that is listed in
the Week 4 Required Reading – Transfer of Learning area.
The vice president values your opinion but also likes to know what other experts have to say, so support your statements and opinions with
citations from appropriate sources. The vice president is not familiar with training and development terminology, so provide definitions for key
concepts and theories that you believe apply to this situation. Don’t forget to cite the source(s) of your definitions.
Your memo should be two to three single-spaced pages, excluding the cover and reference pages. Please use one-inch margins and a font size
of at least 11 points. Include a minimum of five references in your memo. Cite reputable sources such as the readings and resources posted in
our classroom, and articles published in academic or practitioner journals within the last ten years. The websites of consulting firms and blogs
are not appropriate sources for this assignment. Put your references on a separate page and use APA format for all citations, quotations, and
You might be tempted to propose conducting a detailed needs assessment but remember that the VP has already conducted a needs
assessment and is eager to get started with the training. The VP mentions an article by Ross Tartell; the article can be found in eReserves:
Tartell, R. (2014). Use focus groups for rapid needs analysis. Training, 51(2), 14.
file:///Users/yarnewhite/Downloads/Use%20Focus%20Groups.webarchive You might also want to read a bit about service recovery. Here are two articles that are available in eReserve

Kim, T., Yoo, J. J-E., & Lee, G. (2012). Post-recovery customer relationships and customer partnerships in a restaurant setting. International
Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 24(3), 381-401.
doi: 10.1108/09596111211217879. file:///Users/yarnewhite/Downloads/Postrecovery%20customer%20relationships%20and%20customer%20partnerships%20in%20a%20restaurant%20setting/4e64a87a-5f52-11ea8b25-0cc47a792c0a_id_4e64a87a-5f52-11ea-8b25-0cc47a792c0a.html
Komunda, M., & Osarenkhoe, A. (2012). Remedy or cure for service failure? Effects of service recovery on customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Business Process Management Journal, 18(1), 82-103. doi: 10.1108/14637151211215028.

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