Cyber threat intelligence technical report
Cyber threat intelligence technical report
Cyber Threat Intelligence technical report on one malicious activity from a list I will provide,
study and investigate threat chosen using mechanisms and tools. This should include literature review, practical experiments, setting up and configuring necessary tools such as Dagah to develop your security scenario.
You may need to scan the targeted systems for vulnerabilities identification and analysis using airmon or wireshark. Part of the work is to perform an experiment to demonstrate one of the above listed attacks on a simulated Android smartphone. To achieve this, you will need to identify and clarify the security issues for the core smartphone system, technical review and assessment of system architecture.
In a summary, your report should propose appropriate intelligence and cost-effective solutions, considering the threat concerns and possible limitations.
These efforts will highlight the good practices and positive findings from the cyber intelligence program. You should also specify the countermeasures that you think are appropriate for such a threat. The final outcomes and results are intended to provide a list of recommendations and any necessary justifications to improve the security of your organisation. The implementation of any recommendations contained in your report should allow keeping the risks and
threats as minimum as possible.
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