Department of Social Sciences


Population: Sociology 303-A

Department of Social Sciences

McNeese State University

Paper – 1

Instructor: Muhammad M. Haque

Based on your reading of the text, and corresponding class lectures and discussion of the materials from Chapter 1: Introduction to Demography, Chapter 2: Demographic Data and Applied Demography and Chapter 3: Demographic Perspectives and Theories, provide a word-processed response to the following questions. This is a seven-page assignment. The first page – cover page – should provide information following the example below. All the information must be typed bold, single spaced, on the left top corner of the page with a one-inch margin.

Name: John A. Henry

ID: 344 56 9987

Paper: One

Course: Population

No. & Sec.: Sociology 303-A

Semester & Year: Fall 2021

Instructor: Muhammad M. Haque

Due date: October 10, 2021

Date handed in:

SECTION A: Describe in brief the history of world population growth from the earliest available estimated date to its present form by identifying its specific trends and patterns. (24+24 lines=Total 2 pages: 100 points)

SECTION B: Based on the history of world population sketched above, provide an explanatory analysis of the trends and patterns by utilizing any one of the demographic theories that you think is the best for the purpose in very succinct form first by providing a description of the theory (12 lines) and then applying the theory to the analysis of the trends and patterns (12 lines). (Total 1 page=12+12 lines: 50 points)

SECTION C: Based on the history of world population sketched in the first section, provide an explanatory analysis of the trends and patterns documented by utilizing a different demographic theory that falls second in order compared to the first one in terms of scientific applicability in very succinct form first by providing a description of the theory (12 lines) and the applying the theory to the analysis of the trends and patterns (12 lines). As you introduce the second theory for explanatory purpose, this must have the mitigatory capacity to address the fallacious arguments of the first one. (Total 1 page=12+12 lines: 50 points)

SECTION D: If you were assigned to investigate the sketch of the world population history and the associated theoretical explanation that you provided, explain which data collection technique (only one) would be the best for this purpose. In this section first provide a brief description of the technique (12 lines) then illustrate the application of the technique to the analysis of the trend and the theoretical application drawn (12 lines). This technique should focus on the population status over the last thirty years. (Total 1 page=12+12 lines: 50 points)

SECTION E: If you were assigned to investigate the sketch of the world population history and the associated theoretical explanation that you provided, explain which data collection techniques you would use that would fall second in order of scientific applicability and be complementary to the first one, covering population status from the earliest arrival of human population to the beginning of the thirty year period analyzed in ‘Section D’. In this section first provide a brief description of the techniques (12 lines) then illustrate the application of the techniques to the analysis of the trend and the theoretical application provided (12 lines) As you introduce the second set of techniques for the analytical purpose, they must have the mitigatory capacities to address the procedural flaws of the first one during the description of the techniques. (12 lines). (Total 1 page=12+12 lines: 50 points)


1)Your response must follow the precise length as prescribed.

Sections must be labeled as SECTION A:, SECTION B:, SECTION C:, SECTION D:, and SECTION E:. You should start typing the text immediately after typing the section label as capitalized, on the same line, instead of starting a separate paragraph. Spacing between two sections should be the same as the text if they appear on the same page (double spaced).

For a half page response there cannot be more than two paragraphs, and for a one-page response there cannot be more than four paragraphs.

Your paper must be word processed, double spaced, justified (aligned left and right), with one-inch margins on each side (top, bottom, left and right). Please note that sometimes you may have to readjust the margin spacing after examining a proof page if it comes out as not prescribed by going through page setup (in the File or Format icon on the toolbar).

Font size: Times New Roman (12 point).

Print: no dot matrix, only laser or ink jet.

Paper color: white.

Paper size: 8 & 1/2″ by 11″.

No clips or report covers. The paper must be handed in neatly stapled vertically on the left top corner of the page without touching the text.

Attention must be paid to:

a. content (use of textual information and class lectures),

b. critical thinking,

c. grammar,

d. spelling,

e. organization (logical arguments and structure),

f. aesthetics (neatness), and

g. timeliness in finishing the assignment.

Carefully plan. If anything seems unclear, consult immediately after the assignment is handed out and during office hours. Consultation must not take place during the last two days prior to when the paper is due. Please assume responsibility with utmost seriousness.


Population: Sociology 303-A

Department of Social Sciences

McNeese State University

Collaborative Project – 1

Instructor: Muhammad Haque

SECTION A: Based on your reading of Chapter 5: The Health and Mortality Transition, (a) define the terms life span, life expectancy, and various other measures of mortality, (b) describe, among all the measures which one is the easiest to calculate and which one is most difficult to calculate, and why, (c) develop a very general explanatory model to explore mortality differential by outlining its various direct and indirect social and biological causes without identifying any specific types of societies, (d) specify in what ways the causes you identified in your model may vary between the highly industrialized or modern societies and the least industrialized or traditional societies, (e) describe in what ways changes in mortality levels in any direction—high to low or low to high—may pose a threat to societal stability as well as viability to societal stability, and (f) to analyze all the steps above, describe what types of methodological approaches you would utilize in the collection of data that would be rapid, cost effective, and very precise.

SECTION B: Based on your reading of Chapter 6: The Fertility Transition, (a) define various measures of fertility by distinguishing them from fecundity, (b) describe, among all the measures which one is the easiest to calculate and which one is most difficult to calculate, and why, (c) develop a very general explanatory model to explore fertility differential by outlining its various direct and indirect social and biological causes without identifying any specific types of societies, (d) specify, in what ways the causes you identified in your model may vary between the highly industrialized or modern societies and the least industrialized or traditional societies, (e) describe in what ways changes in fertility levels in any direction—high to low or low to high—may pose a threat to societal stability as well as viability to societal stability, and (f) to analyze all the steps above, describe what types of methodological approaches you would utilize in the collection of data that would be rapid, cost effective, and very precise.

SECTION C: Based on your reading of Chapter 7: The Migration Transition, (a) describe the term migration and define its various measurements by focusing on both, internal and international forms, (b) describe among all the measures which one is the easiest to calculate and which one is most difficult to calculate, and why, (c) develop a very general explanatory model to explore migration differential by outlining its various direct and indirect causes without identifying any specific types of societies, (d) specify, in what ways the causes you identified in your model may vary between highly industrialized or modern societies and the least industrialized or traditional societies, (e) explain in what ways the causal dimension that you portrayed in the explanatory model may vary between internal and international migration, (f) describe, by focusing on both internal and international migration, in what ways the whole migratory process poses a threat to societal stability as well as viability to societal stability, and (g) to analyze all the steps above, describe what types of methodological approaches you would utilize in the collection of data that would be rapid, cost effective, and very precise.


Please note that you will be given a few in-class sessions for the purpose of discussion prior to the actual presentation. If additional time is needed, that must be arranged outside the class session. During the oral presentation every student participant of the group is required to speak. It will be the responsibility of the whole group to collectively decide, divide and share the responsibility as equally as possible during the time of the oral presentation and defense. During the discussion session group must make sure that each student brings the text and notes that are helpful for responding to the questions asked in the assignment. The group has the right to eliminate any member who does not make oral and written contribution in terms of helpful notes during the discussion. However, the student/s in question and the instructor must be informed before any such decision is made to see if any positive resolution can be made. Please note that all forms of conflict must be resolved before the final grade is given. Complaints associated with any disputes will not be accepted after grades have been handed in, due to various legal implications. It is very important that the questions in the assignment are not divided between the group members during the preparatory process of the answers. Rather, the group members must collectively finish answering each question at a time. In that way someone’s absence on the day of presentation will have minimal negative effect on the group performance because every member will have the same information. After finishing responses to all the questions, all of the group members must practice the oral presentation several times as a preparation to finish the presentation in the allocated time. As you practice, each time you should start with a different person in case of any excused absences during the final presentation, since your instructor will decide who will be the first person to initiate the presentation.

Maximum time for oral presentation: Ten minutes

Maximum time for defense: Ten minutes

The following criteria will be used to evaluate your performance:

F D- D D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A A+

00% 61% 65% 69% 71% 75% 79% 81% 85% 89% 91% 95% 99%

a.evidence that you have read the text.

b.evidence that you paid attention to the class lectures.

c.whether or not you have responded to all the questions.

d.whether you have used your critical thinking skills.

e.your enthusiasm in presentation.

f.maintaining proper level of eye contact with the audience.

g.maintaining diversity in the tone of voice.

h.whether you have used artful/effective techniques in your presentation.

i.your scholarly defense of arguments while confronted with questions from the audience.

j.balanced distribution of timing for response to all the questions.

k.finishing the presentation in the allocated time.

l.maintaining balanced coordination between the group members during presentation.

m.maintaining balanced coordination between the group members during defense.


Population: Sociology 303-A

Department of Social Sciences

McNeese State University

Paper – 2

Instructor: Muhammad M. Haque

Based on your reading of the text, and corresponding class lectures and discussion of the materials from Chapter 8: The Age Transition, provide a written response to the following questions. This is an eight page assignment. The first page – cover page – should provide information following the example below. All the information must be typed bold, single spaced, on the left top corner of the page with a one inch margin.

Name: John A. Henry

Albert H. Adams

Paper: Two

Course: Population

No. & Sec.: Sociology 303-A

Semester & Year: Spring 2004

Instructor: Muhammad M. Haque

Due Date: October 10, 1999

Date Handed In:

SECTION A: Address the following terms—1. Age Cohort, 2. Sex Ratio, 3. Age Pyramid, 4. Average Age of a Population, 5. Dependency Ratio, 6. Growth Rates by Age, 7. Stable Population, 8. Zero Population, and 9. Stationary Population—first by defining them, and then by introducing their calculation process. For any particular term that does not have a formula or calculation process available, offer its brief description. Please ensure that the treatment to each concept, in terms of segment length and answer, is proportionate to the total length as indicated in parentheses. (Total 2 pages=24+24 lines: 100 points)

SECTION B: In this section provide a very brief description of the usage of the above demographic measurements by the demographers (12 lines) and the non-demographers (12 lines). (Total1 page=24 lines: 50 points)

SECTION C: Define the term ‘aging’ (old) from a biological and a social point of view with very specific illustrations. Provide your response in descriptive form rather than cursory indicative illustrations. (Total 1/2 page=12 lines: 25 points)

SECTION D: Make a distinction between the biological and social aspects of aging in addressing the causal processes determining the status of the elderly. In the process of discussion, address how the concepts of fertility, mortality and migration processes, discussed during the first part of the course and the concept of age stratification presented in Chapter 8, and the schematic diagram provided in the class, aid in the preparation of this segment of the assignment. (Total 2 and ½ pages=24+24+12 lines: 125 points)

SECTION E: Provide a descriptive illustration of the efficacy of studying the area of aging and its associated processes by the demographers (12 lines) and non-demographers (12 lines) in some specified professional settings. (Total 1 page=24 lines: 50 points)


1)Your response must follow the precise length as prescribed.

2) Sections must be labeled as SECTION A:, SECTION B:, SECTION C:, SECTION D:. and SECTION E:. You should start typing the text immediately after typing the section label as capitalized, on the same line, instead of starting a separate paragraph. Spacing between two sections should be the same as the text if they appear on the same page (double spaced).

3)For a half page response there cannot be more than two paragraphs, and for a one page response there cannot be more than four paragraphs.

4)Your paper must be word processed, double spaced, justified (aligned left and right), with one inch margins on each side (top, bottom, left and right). Please note that sometimes you may have to readjust the margin spacing after examining a proof page if it comes out as not prescribed by going through page setup (in the File or Format icon on the toolbar).

5)Font size: Times New Roman (12 point).

Print: no dot matrix, only laser or ink jet.

Paper color: white.

Paper size: 8 & 1/2″ by 11″.

No clips or report covers. The paper must be handed in neatly stapled vertically on the left top corner of the page without touching the text.

Attention must be paid to:

a. content (use of textual information and class lectures),

b. critical thinking,

c. grammar,

d. spelling,

e. organization (logical arguments and structure),

f. aesthetics (neatness), and

g. timeliness in finishing the assignment.

Carefully plan. If anything seems unclear, consult immediately after the assignment is handed out and during office hours. Consultation must not take place during the last two days prior to when the paper is due. Please assume responsibility with the utmost seriousness.


Population: Sociology 303-A

Department of Social Sciences

McNeese State University

Collaborative Project -2

Instructor: Muhammad Haque

SECTION A: Based on your reading of Chapter 11: Population and Sustainability, (a) make a distinction between economic growth, (b) economic development and (c) social development in both definitional and descriptive forms.

SECTION B: Following the distinction made above, demonstrate how you would argue in favor of the position that population growth acts as a stimulus to economic development. For a critical response to this segment of the assignment you may consider reviewing Chapter 3: Demographic Perspective.

SECTION C: Following the distinction made between economic growth and economic development, demonstrate how you would argue in favor of the position that population growth acts as a detriment to economic development. For a critical response to this segment of the assignment you may consider reviewing Chapter 3: Demographic Perspective.

SECTION D: Based on the population growth’s position as a stimulus and a detriment to economic development, explain how these two positions are attendant to the status of the global environment in its past, current and future forms.

SECTION E: Based on your reading of Chapter 12: What Lies Ahead? and corresponding class lectures, define the term population policy by making a distinction between direct and indirect input measures to the total policy framework.

SECTION F: Develop a general population policy framework for any one of the less developed countries with its specific intervention criteria, taking into consideration three dynamic processes and their patterns—fertility, mortality, and migration. As you develop the policy framework and its interventional criteria, you must demonstrate that ultimately the developmental status that the country will arrive in will be socially balanced, economically cost effective, and environmentally sustainable in the long run.


Please note that you will be given a few in-class sessions for the purpose of discussion prior to the actual presentation. If additional time is needed, that must be arranged outside the class session. During the oral presentation every student participant of the group is required to speak. It will be the responsibility of the whole group to collectively decide, divide and share the responsibility as equally as possible during the time of the oral presentation and defense. During the discussion session group must make sure that each student brings the text and notes that are helpful for responding to the questions asked in the assignment. The group has the right to eliminate any member who does not make oral and written contribution in terms of helpful notes during the discussion. However, the student/s in question and the instructor must be informed before any such decision is made to see if any positive resolution can be made. Please note that all forms of conflict must be resolved before the final grade is given. Complaints associated with any disputes will not be accepted after grades have been handed in, due to various legal implications. It is very important that the questions in the assignment are not divided between the group members during the preparatory process of the answers. Rather, the group members must collectively finish answering each question at a time. In that way someone’s absence on the day of presentation will have minimal negative effect on the group performance because every member will have the same information. After finishing responses to all the questions, all of the group members must practice the oral presentation several times as a preparation to finish the presentation in the allocated time. As you practice, each time you should start with a different person in case of any excused absences during the final presentation, since your instructor will decide who will be the first person to initiate the presentation.

Maximum time for oral presentation: Fifteen minutes

Maximum time for defense: Ten minutes

The following criteria will be used to evaluate your performance:

F D- D D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A A+

00% 61% 65% 69% 71% 75% 79% 81% 85% 89% 91% 95% 99%

a.evidence that you have read the text.

b.evidence that you paid attention to the class lectures.

c.whether or not you have responded to all the questions.

d.whether you have used your critical thinking skills.

e.your enthusiasm in presentation.

f.maintaining proper level of eye contact with the audience.

g.maintaining diversity in the tone of voice.

h.whether you have used artful/effective techniques in your presentation.

i.your scholarly defense of arguments while confronted with questions from the audience.

j.balanced distribution of timing for response to all the questions.

k.finishing the presentation in the allocated time.

l.maintaining balanced coordination between the group members during presentation.

m.maintaining balanced coordination between the group members during defense.

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