


Peer pressure is a manipulation that an observer, individual or HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer_group” o “Peer group” peer group , exerts to encourage other people to change their HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Value_%28ethics%29” o “Value (ethics)” values, HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavior” o “Behavior” behaviors, or HYPERLINK “http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attitude_%28psychology%29” o “Attitude (psychology)” attitudes to comply with group rules, standards, and laws. Some of groups socially affected include membership and dissociative groups. Where individuals in membership groups are social cliques, or formally members in which there is no clear membership definition. On the other hand, in dissociative groups, members do not associate thus behaving adversely to the behaviors of the group (……………). According to (…………), peer pressure is mostly associated with youths. This is because youths spend most of their time in schools where the youths at teenage end up involving themselves in different groups which are not of their choice since youths are not mature enough to control pressure from their friends. Peer pressure may also have positive impacts when the youths are put under pressure toward positive behaviors like athletics, excelling in academic, or volunteering for charity by their peers. This is so common in youths who are very active in sports or other activities which are extracurricular, where there is a very strong conformity between the youths and their peer group.

One of the most factors that influence majority of the youths is media. This media present very narrow beauty interpretations thus; viewing these unattainable images reduces body satisfactions and self-esteem in healthy teenagers. The new research is timed at researching and investigating how teen’s body is affected by the media, life satisfaction of the youths, and the eating disorders symptoms in youths at teenage. Although it has some positive impacts to the teenagers, media has a big negative influence on youths and especially on the youths’ weight. Being a time for growth and learning, this stage of adolescence can be too difficult to some of the youths. However, to some teens it can be the easy time to handle. Also for others, it is a revelation of ideas and new experiences. While struggling with the difficulties, and this stressful time of teenage to discover themselves, teens can be adversely affected together with those around them. Along this time of adolescent, teens develop a lot of concern over their body image and are curious of wanting to deep understand how they can achieve desired body images. Nevertheless, a number of teens will consult to achieve this image where they go to media. This in turn deceives the teens that this process of adolescence often concerns their physical image that media influence. During this stage, the adolescents may feel not satisfied with shapes of their body and take steps to change them. At this age of growth and learning (adolescence), teens do not like their images when look themselves in the mirror and a number of them will start reporting dissatisfaction with their shapes. Nevertheless, girls struggle with their body images more than boys do. Some attention to size and shape of body is considered to be a normal growing process.

Scantily dressed idols in some TV station, movies, and in magazines portray the beauty ultimate standard. Unfortunately, as many youths at teenage do not identify this as a mere fantasy that is impossible for them to live within these standard, a number of them can lose their mood and be depressed. In some occasions, some of the youths at this teenage may end up being victims in anorexia bulimia among other eating disorders , which can lead to mental health if not controlled. These eating disorders affect the teenagers’ bodies’ image thereby becoming thin and reduce in weight.

Magazines, television, movies, and other media that are popular are often responsible in pressuring teen girls who tries to be thin like models. However, the new study has found that peer pressure has replaced these Media and is now playing a very strong role in how girls in adolescent stage control their body figures. It is claimed that peer pressure has been a factor in contributing to a risky teen behavior. In accordance to other studies, cliques teens identified with can influence whether they drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or take drugs. Now, it appears that comparable identification carry body weight when some factors like body image, physical activity, and food are considered. “Teen girls concern about their own weight, about how they appear to others and their perceptions that their peers want them to be thin are significantly related to weight-control behaviors of which are really important” (Eleanor Mackey, 2009). An estimation of about 5% of teens undergoes the problem of eating disorders. Some of these eating disorders include; nervosa, anorexia, and bulimia.

In the study that was published in the Adolescent Medicine and Archives of Pediatric has an indication that 10% of girls at teenage and 3% of boys at teenage binge eat not less than once a week. Girls seem to be more concerned than boys when it comes to dieting, and are more worried with their weight. Also with thinness, girls report a greater percentage than boys. According to ‘federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’, about 1/3% of adolescents are found to be overweight while about 16% are obese. Those added pounds are placed at increased in risk a health problem hot from high blood and type 2diabetes to heart disease. Girls who identify themselves with burnout peer groups are most worried of their weight. They decide to go ahead and take more steps to control it. On the other hand, those with overweight also go ahead to find alternatives on how to control their over mass body weight. Moreover, encouraging family meals can help solve the problem in teens’ eating habits. Teens from families who come together during food time have lower risks of developing these eating disorders and especially anorexia and bulimia.


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