Evaluation of Quasi-Experimental Designs

Evaluate Quasi-Experimental Designs
This assignment has three parts. The first part is a review of dissertations to help you understand
what will be expected of you as you move into the dissertation phase of your work. The second
part is a general explanation of quasi-experimental research. Finally, the third part allows you to
think about setting up your own quasi-experimental research.

Part 1:
For the two dissertations listed in the Resources for this week, identify in one sentence each the
problem, purpose, research questions, methodology and design used in the study, and finally
why the methodology and design selected are appropriate to answer the research questions
presented. (Reminder: Methodology refers to whether the study is qualitative or quantitative, and
design refers to the specific kind of study it is such as correlational.)
Part 2
In one page, explain what quasi-experimental research is in your own words and clearly
establish how it is different from both correlational research and experimental research. Describe
in detail why quasi-experimental research is used much more frequently in Education than
experimental research.
* Which kind of study do you expect you would be more likely to use in your own research and
Part 3:
Think of a problem in Education today that could best be addressed with quasi-experimental
research. In one page, describe the problem, purpose, research questions, hypotheses,
methodology and design of your study. Describe why the idea you have come up with makes
more sense to address with a quasi-experimental design than either a correlational or true
experimental design.
Length: 2 pages, not including title page
References: No references required, though any sources used should be cited and referend in
APA format

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