Factors that affect fertility – Why inflammatory markers rise

Factors that affect fertility – Why inflammatory markers rise

The Assigned Case Scenario Analysis related to WU 4th paper assignment is provided below.
Although WU grading rubric incorporates criteria that may not apply to the assigned case scenario, you do not need to address each bullet point below. In this case, you will receive full credit reflective on the grading rubric. WU requires the 4th paper assignment to be completed on or before day 7 (Sunday).
Please make note that all bullet points below (learning objectives) may not apply to the assigned case scenario.
Only address the bullet points in your 1-2 page paper that apply to the assigned case scenario. For example, if factors affecting fertility does not apply no need to address in your paper.
The factors that affect fertility (STDs).
Why inflammatory markers rise in STD/PID.
Why prostatitis and infection happens. Also explain the causes of systemic reaction.
Why a patient would need a splenectomy after a diagnosis of ITP.
Anemia and the different kinds of anemia (i.e., micro and macrocytic).
Continue to adhere to WU requirement for format reflective of the title page and adhering to APA 7th guidelines. WU requires that the paper assignment be completed on or before day 7 (Sunday) .
Scenario 4: A 14-year-old female is brought to the urgent care by her mother, who states that the girl has had an abnormal number of bruises and “funny looking red splotches” on her legs. These bruises were first noticed about 2 weeks ago and are not related to trauma. PMH not remarkable and she takes no medications. The mother does state the girl is recovering from a “bad case of mono” and was on bedrest at home for the past 3 weeks. The girl noticed that her gums were slightly bleeding when she brushed her teeth that morning.
Labs at urgent care demonstrated normal hgb and hct with normal WBC differential. Platelet count of 100,000/mm3 was the only abnormal finding. The staff also noticed that the venipuncture site oozed for a few minutes after pressure was released. The doctor at urgent care referred the patient and her mother to the ED for a complete work-up of the low platelet count, including a peripheral blood smear for suspected immune thrombocytopenia purpura.
The Knowledge Check Essay questions will gauge your understanding of this module’s content on or before day 7 (Sunday). I will be looking for primary sources of reference and will cross-checking references for accuracy and reliability as the article relates to the case scenario as well as clinical practice.
Kindly note, limit the use of direct quotes and in so doing, this will allow me to evaluate critical thinking based upon evidence-based medicine. Continue to include intext page number(s) although not a direct quote. In so doing, this will offer the opportunity to focus directly on specific content.

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