Flexible Writing Assignment

Flexible Writing Assignment
Choose 1 of the following types of papers for this flexible writing assignment: Assignments could include but are not limited to the following topics- all topics must directly relate to lifespan development in some way:
Interaction/observation papers: These papers document interactions or observations with others that relate to lifespan development. Examples of these papers include documenting your observations of how your little brother’s gross motor skills developed, examining how environmental factors in your neighborhood influenced your development, or describing a friend’s path towards choosing a major in college.
“I wonder” papers. “I wonder” paper: Document your thoughts regarding information related to lifespan development. Students can develop hypotheses and seek to evaluate and extend existing research in lifespan development. For example, you could write an essay about why friendships might be more or less important and different developmental stages, why different cultures might view adolescent independence differently, or exploring why children in the same family might react differently to divorce. This is an opportunity to write about your opinions related to issues in lifespan development.
Reviews, critiques, or evaluative summaries: These papers can be written to document the active processing of media or primary sources, such as web pages, videos (e.g., 20/20, Dateline, YouTube clips), psychology journals, books, and magazines (e.g., Newsweek or Time), that relate to lifespan development. Important points conveyed by these sources should be identified, and ideas for future research or journalistic coverage should be discussed. In addition, provide your own personal reaction/response to what you’ve read or seen. Links or PDF copies of the media sources (web pages, magazine or journal articles, website addresses for YouTube) must be submitted with your papers.
Assignment Guidelines:
You must email the instructor ahead of time to get your paper topic approved.
ALL REFERENCES YOU USE SHOULD BE CITED PROPERLY AND IN APA STYLE in your references section at the end of the paper.
At minimum, you must include 1 reference, such as a citation for the textbook (Kuther, 2016) or the video/article you used, in APA style.
When in doubt, cite: all factual information and opinions that are not your own need to be cited properly both in the text and in the references section. All in-text citations should correspond to references.
Do NOT include a title page in your paper or other sections of an APA-style journal article: just make sure your references are in APA style.
Papers should be 3 pages (double-spaced full pages with 1-inch margins), typed (no greater than size 12 font, Times New Roman

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