Genetic Inheritance

Cover of the precise environmental and genetic contribution to the variations in Tallness, Obesity, Ability to sing, Agility and Masculinity.

40 words on each

200 words in total word count 

Cite Sources 

Harvard References

Use these websites:

Patterns of Inheritance | Boundless Biology | Course Hero

Laws of Inheritance | Boundless Biology | Course Hero

Chromosomal Theory and Genetic Linkage | Boundless Biology | Course Hero

Chromosomal Basis of Inherited Disorders | Boundless Biology | Course Hero

Historical Basis of Modern Understanding | Boundless Biology | Course Hero

28.7 Patterns of Inheritance – Anatomy and Physiology | OpenStax

Genetic Inheritance | Alleles, Genotype, Phenotype | A-Level Biology Notes (

Genetic Inheritance (6.1.6) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Inherited Disorders (6.1.7) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Sex Determination (6.1.8) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Variation (6.2.1) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Evolution (6.2.2) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Selective Breeding (6.2.3) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Genetic Engineering (6.2.4) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Cloning (6.2.5) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Theory of Evolution (6.3.1) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Speciation (6.3.2) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

The Understanding of Genetics (6.3.3) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Evidence for Evolution (6.3.4) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Fossils (6.3.5) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Extinction (6.3.6) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Resistant Bacteria (6.3.7) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Classification (6.4.1) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams


Genetic Inheritance

Question 1 (1.2)


A Punnett Square is a method that was originally invented by an early 20th century English geneticist called Reginald Punnett. A Punnett Square is used to predict the chances of offspring inheriting their parents’ genetic traits. In order to interpret Punnett Square diagrams, there are certain genetic terms that are involved. Provide your detailed explanations for the following terms:

a)    gene and allele

b)    homozygote and heterozygote

c)     dominant and recessive

d)    genotype and phenotype.


Word count guideline: 450 words



Question 2a (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 dominant/recessive/monohybrid crosses)


The recessive allele for red hair is shown as ‘b’ and the dominant allele for black hair is shown as ‘B’. A woman who is homozygous for black hair marries a man who is homozygous recessive for red hair.




Using a Punnett Square, predict the hair colour outcome of their children. What’s the percentage outcome of them having a child with red hair or black hair?  Explain your reasons.

Word count guideline: 150 words



Question 2b (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 co-dominant/monohybrid crosses)


i)      Explain the term codominance (1.1).



ii)    Some chickens can have black feathers, white feathers or a ‘checkered’ mixture of black and white feathers. The gene for the colour of their feathers is determined by a co-dominant genetic inheritance pattern. The allele for black feathers is B and the allele for white feathers is W. (1.1)

What must the genotype for black chickens be?

What must the genotype for white chickens be?

What must the genotype for checkered chickens be?


iii)   If two ‘checkered’ chickens were crossed, what is the percentage probability of their chicks being black feathered, white feathered or ‘checkered’ feathered? Use a Punnett Square to support your answer and to give the resulting genotypes as well. (1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

Word count guideline: 150 words


Question 3 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3 dominant/recessive/dihybrid crosses) 


If two characteristics are to be predicted in combination, then a dihybrid cross can be predicted using a Punnett Square and involves using the FOIL method to help determine the potential allele combinations that will be crossed in the Punnett Square. Refer to the AOLL pdf Information booklet for an explanation of the FOIL method as required.


In humans, the allele for being able to roll the tongue is dominant and is shown as ‘T’. It is dominant to the allele for not being able to roll the tongue, which is shown as ‘t’. Also, the allele for having unattached earlobes, shown as ‘U’ is dominant to the recessive allele for having attached earlobes, which is shown as ‘u’.


In the following couples, what would the ratio and percentage of the phenotypes be that can be predicted in their offspring? Produce a Punnett Square for each of the following couples and use the FOIL method to show how you arrive at your predicted phenotype outcomes. NB: Be very careful that your computer doesn’t alter your choice of upper or lower case letters in your Punnett Square. You may do these Punnett Squares by hand and photograph or scan them into your assignment if you’d rather.


i)         Female partner: is heterozygous for being able to roll her tongue and homozygous recessive for having attached earlobes.

Male partner: is homozygous recessive for not being able to roll his tongue

and is homozygous recessive for having attached earlobes.


ii)    Female partner: is homozygous recessive and cannot roll her tongue and is heterozygous for having unattached ear lobes.

Male partner: is homozygous recessive and cannot roll his tongue and is

also homozygous recessive for having attached earlobes.


Word count guideline:100 words



Question 4 (1.2, 1.3, 2.1 monohybrid crosses)


Explain how, genetically, the sex of a baby is determined.  Support your answer with a Punnett Square to show the predicted percentage outcomes for a male and female baby.


Word count guideline: 250 words



Question 5a (1.1 & 1.4 autosomal dominant)


Huntington’s disease is a late onset autosomal dominant genetic disorder that affects the central nervous system.  This disease typically starts to develop when a person reaches their mid 30’s or 40’s, with no earlier signs or symptoms.  The disease damages nerve cells in certain parts of the brain, causing progressive degeneration. The dominant allele can be shown as ‘H’; and the recessive allele as ‘h’.


The family tree diagram below shows the female partner who is heterozygous for Huntington’s Disease (Hh) and the male partner who is not affected and is homozygous recessive (hh). The female partner is therefore predisposed for Huntington’s Disease and although she has not yet developed the disease she is shown on the diagram as an ‘affected female’. This is because she will manifest the disease later in life. The diagram also shows the chances of the children of this couple being affected with Huntington’s Disease.


i)      Give your explanation of how an autosomal dominant disease is inherited and the particular features of this form of inheritance pattern. (1.4)


ii)    From the family tree diagram below, what is the genotype of the children that are predicted to inherit Huntington’s Disease? (1.1)


Word count guideline: 250 words


hh Hh 

Question 5b (1.1 & 1.4 autosomal recessive)


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive inherited disease that affects the secretory glands, causing an excessive production of thick, sticky mucus and salty sweat. The most common effects of CF are progressive damage to the respiratory system and long-term digestive system problems. The normal dominant allele can be shown as ‘C’; and the mutant recessive allele as ‘c’.


The family tree diagram below shows the female partner who is heterozygous for Cystic Fibrosis (Cc) and the male partner who is not affected and is homozygous dominant (CC). The female partner doesn’t have any of the symptoms of the condition and is said to be a ‘carrier’ since she has one normal dominant and one mutant recessive allele in her genotype.


i)      From the pedigree diagram below, what is the genotype of the third generation child marked as ‘X’? (1.1)


ii)    Explain why the child marked as ‘X’ on the pedigree diagram below has inherited the cystic fibrosis disease whilst her parents that are carriers in the second generation are not affected. (1.4)




CC Cc 

Image result for cystic fibrosis pedigree diagrams





Word count guideline: 250 words



Question 6 (1.1 codominance, 2.2)

In mammals, genes located on the sex chromosomes are known as “sex-linked” genes.



The alleles for the colour of a cat’s fur coat are carried on the X sex chromosome. The alleles are ginger and black, but they are co-dominant. 

The following Punnett Square diagram shows a black female cat mating with a ginger male cat. 


Black female cat Alleles





Cat Alleles












Using the above Punnett Square diagram to support your answer, explain the possible genotypes and phenotypes of coat colourings of their offspring, including an explanation of tortoiseshell coat colouring.


Word count guideline: 100 words



Question 7 (1.4, 2.2)


Haemophilia is an X-linked recessive inherited condition. Haemophilia affects the blood’s ability to clot and those affected don’t have as many clotting factors as normal. This means that people with haemophilia tend to bleed for longer than usual.

Of the couple in the image the mother is a carrier of haemophilia (XXh) and the father does not have haemophilia (XY).


Draw a family tree showing this couple’s probable outcomes for their male and female offspring.  Identify on the family tree the genotypes and percentage possibility of the offspring being carriers of haemophilia, being haemophiliac, or being free of the condition. (1.4)


b)    Explain what an ‘x-linked recessive’ inheritance pattern entails, and provide examples from your family tree in part a) to support your points. (1.4 & 2.2)

Word count guideline: 250 words



Question 8 (3.1)


There are two main causes of heritable variation; continuous and discontinuous. Explain these two causes. Include in your explanation an account of recombination and mutation.


Word count guideline: 250 words


Question 9 (3.2)

Sometimes, though not a main cause, environmental factors can influence genetic variation. Classify and explain why you determine that the following variations given below are either caused entirely by genetic effects or caused by a combination of genetic and environmental effects. Place each variation into your chosen column in the table below and then give your ideas of why you have placed them there using references to support your ideas:

Obesity;  eye colour;  tallness;  ability to sing;  sex (male or female);  masculinity;   blood group;  natural hair colour; sickle-cell anaemia; agility

Traits/variations caused entirely by genetic effects

Traits/variations caused by a combination of genetic & environmental effects

Citation (Name, Year) List fully at the end.








Why are these caused entirely by genetic effects?

Why are these caused by a combination of genetic and environmental effects & how are the phenotypes potentially altered?

Citation (Name, Year) List fully at the end.










Word count guideline: 300 words


Word Count 2500

10% allowance over the word count.

Paraphrase citation

Use the citation to the endpoint in each response

stick to OpenStax and Lumen Learning, or A-Level Biology textbooks

Try to give additional specific facts and details like numerical information, and specific cellular/histological details. 

Reduced the surrounding wording or opening sentences to instead directly describe or explain versus the question/AC instructions

Extra factual additions to cover a wider array of detail relative to the criteria.

Email me to send the paper across 

to provide equal depth within the responses, to show more strong responses overall


Use these websites:

Patterns of Inheritance | Boundless Biology | Course Hero

Laws of Inheritance | Boundless Biology | Course Hero

Chromosomal Theory and Genetic Linkage | Boundless Biology | Course Hero

Chromosomal Basis of Inherited Disorders | Boundless Biology | Course Hero

Historical Basis of Modern Understanding | Boundless Biology | Course Hero

28.7 Patterns of Inheritance – Anatomy and Physiology | OpenStax

Genetic Inheritance | Alleles, Genotype, Phenotype | A-Level Biology Notes (

Genetic Inheritance (6.1.6) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Inherited Disorders (6.1.7) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Sex Determination (6.1.8) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Variation (6.2.1) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Evolution (6.2.2) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Selective Breeding (6.2.3) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Genetic Engineering (6.2.4) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Cloning (6.2.5) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Theory of Evolution (6.3.1) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Speciation (6.3.2) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

The Understanding of Genetics (6.3.3) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Evidence for Evolution (6.3.4) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Fossils (6.3.5) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Extinction (6.3.6) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Resistant Bacteria (6.3.7) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams

Classification (6.4.1) | AQA GCSE Biology Revision Notes 2018 | Save My Exams


Assessment Criteria – you will address these criteria by completing the Assignment Task


Predict probable outcomes of genetic crosses where there is a definite autosomal dominant recessive pattern and also where there is co-dominance.


Draw and interpret Punnett square diagrams for mono and dihybrid crosses.


Calculate probabilities for a variety of monohybrid or dihybrid crosses.


Recognise possible inheritance patterns from pedigrees/family trees.


Explain how human gender is determined by inheritance of either XX or XY chromosomes.


Explain how some traits are sex-linked.


Explain how intra species variation can be categorised as continuous or discontinuous.


Explain that both genetic and environmental factors contribute toward variations.

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