How wildfires affected the climate and wildlife of Australia

How wildfires affected the climate and wildlife of Australia

This research paper is for my environment and society class. The requirements are 5-7 pages
and 1.5 spacing, times new roman font and one-inch margins. I NEED to have at least 5 PEERREVIEWED JOURNALS/ CREDIBLE SOURCES. Below, I am going to attach my research paper
outline that my teacher marked up so you can see the do’s and don’ts. I originally focused on
both California and Australia in my outline, but when my teacher revised it, he said to focus more
on one place, so I chose Australia since they had gone through really bad wildfires. I also have
links in my research paper outline that you could use but again, I do need the 5 credible/ peerreviewed sources. I will also be including the research paper instructions from my syllabus.
Please attach the sources on a separate page… Thank you!

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