Hurricane Katrina Disaster


The aim of the paper is to apply the conceptual framework of the essential elements of a critical
incident as well as illustrate the dynamic interrelationships that exist among them. Therefore, you
are asked to prepare well-reasoned written arguments using evidence to support your
statements/ideas or conclusions. In order to achieve this goal, you need to apply your public
administration skills, knowledge and theory to a critical incident.
(Pick three of the angles from the list below and explain how each angle is related to Hurricane
Use the list as the basis for analysis and how they played a role in the critical incident of
Hurricane Katrina.
1) Incident Prevention
2) Victim Impact
3) Politics
Format of the individual paper:
Times New Roman, Double Spaced, Font Size#12 and 8-10 pages (not including the
5 Scholarly references must be

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