Internationalization Approach of the Company

Graded Individual Assignment
I. Gather and analyze the information about the internationalization approach of the
company, assigned to your group.
Utilize your existing knowledge about international macroeconomic and industry environment
analysis from previous courses as well as appropriate data from reports, statistical yearbooks,
internet sources etc. Apply the knowledge you acquired in the course “Internatonalization”. Provide
an overview about all sources applied for your analysis.
II. Prepare a report covering following parts:
Part 1: Conduct a SWOT analysis of international activities of the company to date
1. Define the strengths and weaknesses in terms of international corporate and business
strategy, internationalization process, applied market entry modes and organizational set up.
2. Figure out the key opportunities and threats for the international activities.
3. Identify two business opportunities and/or challenges in terms of the internationalization (new
markets, growth in existing markets, launching new products, change management,
innovation, market exit etc.)?
Part 2: Implementation of business opportunity
Choose one of the two business opportunities and/or challenges and make a recommendation how the
company can address it. For the example of business opportunity, find below illustration for structure
and approach for the recommendation:
1. Define the motivation and strategic rationale for this internationalization step.
2. Analyze the target market (potential) to capture the business opportunity identified above, the
competition and how the company can position itself (international corporate and business
3. Develop an appropriate market entry mode and analyze the organizational changes necessary
for the implementation of the business opportunity.
III. Procedure & Presentation
1. The analysed company has been assigned to you.
2. Prepare a paper of max. 3 pages (without figures and list of sources).
3. The paper conforms to the following rough structure:
a. SWOT Analysis of international activities to date.
b. Business opportunities and/or challenges.
c. Recommendation and implementation steps of business opportunity/challenge.
4. Individuals may design their paper in any way they deem necessary as long as it adheres to the rough
structure above. Use of visualizations is possible.
IV. Assessment: Grade, comprises 40% of the module end note
Criteria (structure – content – design/style/readability)
1) Logically structured, efficient analysis of key findings according to required structure.
2) Completeness of content.
3) Correctness of content (correct application of theories, convincing and precise analysis, synthesis)
4) Design, style and readability.
V. Deadline for submission: 29.

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