Living in the moment





Living in the moment

My day begins early in the morning with morning devotion and some light exercise. This is then followed by preparation to go to work after which I leave for an eight hour day job. At the office, I normally ensure that I complete yesterday’s work before embarking on what is supposed to be done for that particular day. After a long tiring day with breaks in between, I head back home relax a little then head to the gym for a two hour training session. I then go home prepare tomorrow’s work then sit back and watch television or read a book. This has been my routine for several years now and has become kind of monotony.

A close scrutiny at my schedule, one gets confused about whether I live for the moment or constantly plan for the future. The moment is always preceded by a certain activity which was to prepare for that moment. There is always a thin line between living for the moment and planning for the future. Things we do thinking we are living for that moment were actually preplanned whether with our knowledge of them or not. For instance, when I sit back and watch TV or read a book, I might think I am living for that moment but that moment was actually preceded by proper planning in the morning so that I can save time for that activity.

In actual sense, we never entirely live for a single moment. It is virtually impossible. Every single activity we do even if having a good time at the beach or in a certain resort someplace is preceded by another related activity usually which was planning for it. Even when we are enjoying ourselves, it is planning for a better future tomorrow by ensuring that we are of sound health to face the uncertainties of tomorrow. Some even decide to enjoy today with the fear that tomorrow may never come. That is still planning for the future. It is therefore evident that living for the moment and planning for the future will always be intertwined.

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