Major theme in the Book of Revelation

Major theme in the Book of Revelation

In an island known as Patmos, an apostle known as John wrote the Book of Revelation. It is referred to as an apolyptic book, which makes use of imagery. It mostly focuses on how God will have the final triumph among his people. When the world is about to come to an end, there will be persecutions all over the world. This book does not follow patterns of chronology, but rather those of literary (Fortner 2002). There are two major parts in this Book of Revelation. The first one is addressed to churches, and is in the form of letters. It was through a vision from God, that John wrote about churches and they were seven in total. A lot of information is provided concerning things that God does not appreciate and want. They include leniency, immorality and lovelessness, among others. The other part of the Book of Revelations is about the messages the church needs to hear and it is from God. It is meant to make Christians aware of the fact that they need to keep away from evil. Also, Christians are reassured that in the end they will conquer when God comes for them.

The major theme in the Book of Revelation is the one concerning Judgment. It is evident in many chapters of the book, such as in six, nine, eleven and twenty. It claims that God will unleash his anger completely and fully on those who commit sin. This will occur on the day, which he chooses to do so. Agents as well as the devil will all be defeated on that day. There will be eternal life for those who are granted favor by God. Also, eternal condemnation and punishment will be the destiny for those who were evil and did not follow his teachings. This means that the end of injustice and evil would have reached. It is through the last judgment, which God will proclaim, that everything of no importance will come to an end. Those who wish to escape punishment should be committed to Jesus Christ. People who do not adhere to the teachings of Jesus or those who reject him will definitely be punished (Fortner 2002).

According to this book, God will come to earth on a cloud, and every human being will see him. This means that those who died will rise up, in order to meet him and this is regardless of whether they are evil or pure. The churches, which exist, will not be rescued, but rather they will be judged. When God comes to earth, the Holy Spirit will manifest itself in many ways. The various kingdoms and governments, which exist, will be judged according to how they lived. In order to escape punishment, people will be given a chance to repent. This shows that God is just and wants everybody to enter into his kingdom in Heaven. On the day, which God will come, there will a loud trumpet, which will be heard by everyone on earth. Even the devil will be judged together with the other evil people (Fortner 2002). On this day, nothing evil will ever exist on earth. In the end, only the righteous will live together with God.

There are some questions, which arise after reading the Book of Revelation. There is a need to know the exact time God will come to earth. The other is to know whether God will establish his kingdom on earth or in heaven. Lastly, the other question that needs to be known is whether, God is human or in spirit form. This is because the book reveals that every human being will see God, yet it is known that no one can ever see God’s face. The three questions will help me in gaining a deeper understanding of the book. This book applies to society in that people should not judge others, as only God should do so. Lastly, people should live righteous lives and refrain from evil, in order to be granted Gods favor. In conclusion, the Book of Revelation proclaims about Judgment by God.


Fortner, D. (2002). Discovering Christ in Revelation. New York: Evangelical Press.

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