Management Essay. Management Papers.

Demonstrate an understanding of the change process and the ability to assess organizational readiness for change.

The Organizational Development and Design Consulting Group (ODDCG) was formed back in 1980’s when there was a big upsurge in the
economy and many companies were growing rapidly. The organization began as a three person operation and quickly grew to more than 500 today. There are 400 consultants around the world and 100 people in support roles. In the beginning, there was a very loose structure and no need for much in the way of an organizational design. Whoever had the necessary skills was put to work on the task, and things always seemed to work out. The client list was rather short, and it did not seem as if it was too difficult to keep them extremely happy with interventions and results. The reputation for quality and high levels of service was established for this highly process−driven company. After the organization grew to over 100 people, the president decided it was time to create more of a functional structure. Departments created included customer support and service, human resources, and accounting.
This structure seemed to work for a number of years; however, recent bi-annual customer satisfaction surveys produced feedback that the
customers are not getting the service they are used to, and in some cases are threatening to leave and go to the competition. This organization has been very successful thus far and cannot afford to lose its customer base. The President has contacted the Vice President in charge of Organizational Development and asked for help in getting back to superb customer service with the size of the organization as it is today.
Processes and Readiness
With all of your experience surrounding change so far, you feel fairly confident in your organizational development (OD) role now. You made an excellent presentation to the executive staff of the parent organization. Now, they have recruited you to not only work with them on their needs and interventions but also with other companies within the larger organization. The larger organization consists of 60 independent companies with differing missions and current strategies. In fact, you are now a vice president of OD at the corporate level. You have higher level responsibilities, including all 60 companies.
Discuss the following:
Explain the concepts and theories surrounding large-scale change processes and readiness assessment.
How will you go about conducting readiness assessments for the entire organization? Be specific and provide a cost example for each item in your proposed readiness assessment. Use a minimum of 1 chart in your analysis or description of a model or strategy being recommended, and use 1 flow chart showing the estimated time that each could entail.
What will you say and present to the corporate staff to convince them of your ability to accomplish this mission? Use business return on
investment (ROI) and productivity improvement potential as two of the 5 key points that you will develop to win the confidence and trust of your clients to handle this business-focused change intervention.
Be sure to use valid graduate-level references and APA format

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